Pamela Giampietro

Pamela Giampietro

Senior Associate
MLaw, Rechtsanwältin




Telefon direkt: +41 58 658 83 59

Curriculum Vitae

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Pamela Giampietro works as an associate in the Lausanne office of Walder Wyss. She represents domestic and international clients before courts in various civil, criminal and administrative proceedings. Her areas of practice include employment law, inheritance law and commercial law.

Pamela Giampietro graduated from the University of Fribourg (BLaw in 2015; MLaw in 2017). In parallel to her studies, she worked as a student-assistant at the University of Fribourg and as an ad hoc law clerk for the labour court and the criminal court of the District Tribunal of Lausanne. Pamela Giampietro then completed her lawyer internship and worked as associate for a law firm in Lausanne prior to joining Walder Wyss.

Pamela Giampietro works in French, English, Italian and Spanish. She is registered with the Vaud Bar Registry and admitted to practice in all Switzerland.
