FOPH: Updates to the basic health insurance benefit catalog effective 2025
2. Dezember 2024 – The Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) has announced amendments to the Health Care Benefits Ordinance (Krankenpflege-Leistungsverordnung, KLV) that will take effect on 1 January 2025, expanding the benefit catalog of compulsory health insurance (obligatorische Krankenpflegeversicherung, OKP).
Among the key changes, costs for cranial orthosis therapy (helmet therapy) for infants under six months of age will be covered under specific conditions, provided that the invalidity insurance (Invalidenversicherung, IV) does not cover the costs, such as for children with asylum status. However, the OKP will not cover therapy for positional cranial deformities caused by external factors (e.g., unilateral positioning in infants with open cranial sutures).
Additionally, the colorectal cancer screening program of the Canton of Solothurn will be exempted from the deductible, as the Health Insurance Act (Krankenversicherungsgesetz, KVG) provides for the possibility of waiving the deductible for services provided by prevention programs upon request.
Beyond these revisions, the updated KLV introduces further changes to the reimbursement of medical services by the OKP.
For more details, see here.