Alexandre Both

Alexandre Both

lic. iur. et lic. oec., Attorney at Law




Direct phone: +41 58 658 29 27

Curriculum Vitae

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Alexandre Both is a partner at Walder Wyss. He specialises in domestic and cross-border M&A, private equity and venture capital transactions. He also advises on general corporate and contract law and restructuring matters (merger, demerger, asset transfer, joint venture etc), as well as on corporate finance transactions.

Alexandre Both was educated at Fribourg University (lic. iur.) and St. Gallen University (lic. oec., specialisation in finance and capital markets). He worked for many years at other major international law firms in Zurich and London and at Goldman Sachs.

Alexandre Both's professional languages are French, English and German. He is registered with the Vaud Bar Registry and admitted to practice in all Switzerland.

Technology M&A 2024 - Chapter Switzerland

| by Alexandre Both and Hugh Reeves | in: Getting The Deal Through

Technology M&A 2023 - Chapter Switzerland

| by Alexandre Both and Hugh Reeves | in: Getting The Deal Through

M&A – Steps in the Mergers & Acquisitions Process

| by Alexandre Both, Jürg Schneider, Pierre-Alain Guillaume and Olivier Nicod | in: Cahier spécial de l’Ordre des Avocats Vaudois

International Bank and Other Guarantees Handbook, Switzerland

| by Alexandre Both and Tervel Stoyanov | Editor[s]: Kluwer Law International B.V.

Project Finance 2016 – Chapter 34: Switzerland

| by Thomas P. Müller and Alexandre Both | in: "International Comparative Legal Guide" | London | pp. 297–305

Switzerland – Corporate aspects and tax consequences relating to the incorporation of a holding company in Switzerland

| by Luc Defferrard [co-author], Urs P. Gnos [co-author], Samuel Dürr [co-author] and Alexandre Both [co-author] | in: "International Mergers & Acquisitions Review 2013" | London

Chapter on Switzerland

| by Thomas P. Müller [co-author] and Alexandre Both [co-author] | in: "The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Project Finance 2013" | 2nd Edition | London | pp. 306–314
