Martin Zobl

Martin Zobl

Dr. iur., LL.M., Attorney at Law




Direct phone: +41 58 658 55 35

Curriculum Vitae

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Martin Zobl is a partner in the Regulated Markets, Competition, Technology & IP team. He specializes in public commercial law and administrative litigation. Martin Zobl has vast experience in the public sector and in regulated markets with a particular focus on public procurement, health care and life sciences, energy, infrastructure and transport as well as data protection. In addition, he benefits from an extensive track record in handling complex litigations before administrative bodies and courts on all federal levels. He speaks at conferences and publishes in his areas of expertise on a regular basis.

Martin Zobl has repeatedly been listed by The Legal 500 as ‘rising star’ and 'Next Generation Partner' in public law. According to a client testimonial, ‘Martin Zobl clearly stands out from other lawyers as regards quality, experience and responsiveness.’

Martin Zobl was educated at the Universities of Zurich and Paris-X-Nanterre (lic. iur./Master 2007, Dr. iur. 2011) and he obtained an LL.M. degree from New York University in 2014. Before joining Walder Wyss, Martin Zobl worked as a research fellow at the Institute for Public International Law and Foreign Constitutional Law at the University of Zurich (Prof. Daniel Thürer) and as a law clerk at the District Court of Zurich.

Martin Zobl speaks German, English and French. He is registered with the Zurich Bar Registry and admitted to practice in all Switzerland.

Gemeinsame Beschaffungen – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen

| by Rika Koch, Lara Biehl, Thomas M. Fischer and Martin Zobl | in: Editions Weblaw (Editor[s]) | "Alles neu? Beschaffungswelt im Wandel - Konferenzband zur 12. IT-Beschaffungskonferenz der Berner Fachhochschule BFH und der Universität Bern" | Tagungsband | Bern | pp. 155 - 169

Public Procurement & Government Contracts 2024: Trends and Developments

| by Martin Zobl, Ramona Wyss and Florian Roth | in: Chambers and Partners

Admission rules for doctors - critique of the new Article 37 KVG

| by Martin Zobl | in: "Heime & Spitäler" | 05. August

Kantonale Spitalplanung: Analyse des Urteils BVGer C-7017/2015

| by Martin Zobl, Daniel Staffelbach and Daniel Zimmerli | in: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Sozialversicherung und berufliche Vorsorge SZS 3/2022 | pp. S. 136 - 153

Dos and Don’ts when tendering for framework agreements

| by Martin Zobl | in: Heime & Spitäler | pp. 26-27
