Martin Zobl

Martin Zobl

Dr. iur., LL.M., Attorney at Law




Direct phone: +41 58 658 55 35

Curriculum Vitae

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Martin Zobl is a partner in the Regulated Markets, Competition, Technology & IP team. He specializes in public commercial law and administrative litigation. Martin Zobl has vast experience in the public sector and in regulated markets with a particular focus on public procurement, health care and life sciences, energy, infrastructure and transport as well as data protection. In addition, he benefits from an extensive track record in handling complex litigations before administrative bodies and courts on all federal levels. He speaks at conferences and publishes in his areas of expertise on a regular basis.

Martin Zobl has repeatedly been listed by The Legal 500 as ‘rising star’ and 'Next Generation Partner' in public law. According to a client testimonial, ‘Martin Zobl clearly stands out from other lawyers as regards quality, experience and responsiveness.’

Martin Zobl was educated at the Universities of Zurich and Paris-X-Nanterre (lic. iur./Master 2007, Dr. iur. 2011) and he obtained an LL.M. degree from New York University in 2014. Before joining Walder Wyss, Martin Zobl worked as a research fellow at the Institute for Public International Law and Foreign Constitutional Law at the University of Zurich (Prof. Daniel Thürer) and as a law clerk at the District Court of Zurich.

Martin Zobl speaks German, English and French. He is registered with the Zurich Bar Registry and admitted to practice in all Switzerland.

Bundesgericht klärt Quasi-Inhouse- und Instate-Privileg

Gemeinsame Beschaffungen – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen

Current Legal Developments in the Healthcare Sector

Public Procurement & Government Contracts 2024: Trends and Developments

Mindestgewichtung von Qualitätskriterien?

Monitoring of medical devices in hospitals

Baselbieter Ärztestopp rechtswidrig - Urteil des Kantonsgericht Basel-Landschaft

Aktuelle Rechtsentwicklungen im Gesundheitswesen

L’adjudication de contrats-cadres selon le droit révisé des marchés publics

The award of framework agreements under the revised Swiss public procurement law

L’aggiudicazione di contratti quadro secondo il nuovo diritto degli appalti pubblici

The potential consequences of awarding contracts without regard to public procurement law are manifold

Une adjudication de fait peut avoir de multiples conséquences

Admission rules for doctors - critique of the new Article 37 KVG

Kantonale Spitalplanung: Analyse des Urteils BVGer C-7017/2015

Dos and Don’ts when tendering for framework agreements

Current Legal Developments in the Healthcare Sector

Urteil des BVGer C-7017/2015 vom 17. September 2021

Patient Data into the Cloud?

Les études de marché selon le droit des marchés publics révisé

Marktabklärungen nach dem revidierten Beschaffungsrecht

Public Procurement & Government Contracts 2021: Switzerland - Trends and Developments

Public Procurement & Government Contracts 2021: Trends and Developments

Successful participation in public tenders

Current legal developments in healthcare

Handkommentar zum Schweizerischen Beschaffungsrecht: Kommentierung von Art. 52 bis 54

Pricing for the supply of listed medical devices

Revocation of an award decision and reawarding of the contract by the appeal body: on what conditions can the contract by awarded directly to another bidder in the tender procedure?

Entschädigung von Spitälern im Zusammenhang mit COVID-19-Massnahmen

Public Procurement & Government Contracts 2020: Switzerland - Trends and Developments

Gesundheitseinrichtungen – Verschiebung von nicht dringenden Eingriffen und Therapien

Public Tenders - The Consequences of the 'GZO AG' Decision

Balser Commentary on the Data Protection Act and the Freedom of Information Act: Commentary on Art. 59, 50 and 52 DPA

Kommentierung von Art. 34 KVG

Kommentierung von Art. 33 und 42

Kommentierung von Art. 53 KVG

Purchasing medicines: integrity, transparency and the obligation to pass on benefits

Aktuelle Rechtsentwicklungen im Gesundheitswesen

Therapeutic Products: Integrity, Transparency and the Obligation to Pass on Discounts – What Will Change with the Revision of the Law and What Action Needs to Be Taken?

Obligation to tender for listed cantonal hospitals: verdict of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court 2C_196/2017 of 21 February 2019 on the matter of “GZO-Spital Wetzikon”

E-personality for Algorithms

Die in Submissionsverfahren verwendete Sprache hat mit der Öffnung der Beschaffungsmärkte an Bedeutung gewonnen

Auswirkungen der neuen bundesgerichtlichen Rechtsprechung zur Anwendung des Vergaberechts auf Leistungen der spitalexternen Pflege

VergabeNews 19 (version française): La révision du droit des marchés publics

Das revidierte Beschaffungsrecht

Data Security and Cybercrime in Switzerland

How transparent is the tender assessment process?

Data security and breach notification in Switzerland

Collection, storage and transfer of data in Switzerland

Data Security and Cybercrime in Switzerland

Revision des Beschaffungsrechts

Commentary on Art. 217 and 357 TFEU

Data Security and Cybercrime in Switzerland

Tax Data in the Cloud? Data Protection Requirements for Government Outsourcing

State Aid in Life Sciences

Die neue Bundesgerichtspraxis zur Beschwerdelegitimation

The Legitimacy of the G20 – A Critique Under International Law (working paper)

Commentary on Art. 54 TEU

Die Legitimation der G-20 – Kritik aus völkerrechtlicher Sicht

Demokratisierung des Völkerrechts? Partizipationschancen des Individuums in internationalen Entscheidungsprozessen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von humanitären Abrüstungsregimen

Are Nuclear Weapons really legal? Thoughts on the Sources of International Law and a Conception of the Law imperio rationis instead of ratione imperii

Republik über die Staatsgrenzen hinaus denken – Erstarkende Zivilgesellschaft als neue Form des Weltbürgertums?

Das Verhältnis von Völkerrecht und Landesrecht in Deutschland

Menschenrechtsschutz im Zeichen von Global Governance, Erkundung von Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten und Grenzen
