Tizian Troxler

Tizian Troxler

Dr. iur., LL.M., Attorney at Law, CAS UZH Banking, Capital Markets and Insurance Law




Direct phone: +41 58 658 15 25

Curriculum Vitae

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Tizian Troxler is attorney at law in the Corporate/M&A group. He advises clients in the areas of private, commercial, corporate and capital markets law.

Tizian Troxler studied and obtained his doctorate at the University of Basel (lic. iur. 2006, Dr. iur. 2013), at the University of Zurich (CAS UZH 2012) and at Harvard Law School (LL.M. 2017). Before joining Walder Wyss AG as an attorney at law, he worked as a researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Law at the University of Basel and as an attorney at law. He was admitted to the bar in the canton of Basel-Land in 2010.

In addition to his position at Walder Wyss AG, Tizian Troxler is a lecturer at the Faculty of Law at the University of Basel. He regularly publishes academic articles and speaks at conferences in the areas of private, commercial, corporate and capital markets law.

Tizian Troxler works in German and English.

The financial capacity as the nucleus of legal persons under federal private law

| by Tizian Troxler | in: SZW-RSDA 5/2024 | pp. 542-561

Comments on the Federal Council's report on the revision of cooperative law

| by Tizian Troxler | in: Jusletter

Notes on the CS rescue

| by Tizian Troxler | in: LinkedIn

Crowdfunding in Switzerland

| by Tizian Troxler | Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham, Switzerland | Editor[s]: Springer Nature Switzerland | "Legal Aspects of Crowdfunding, Ius Comparatum - Global Studies in Comparative Law 55," | ed.: 1

Crowdfunding in Switzerland - A critical assessment of the regulatory framework

| by Tizian Troxler | in: edoc.unibas.ch/82840/

Overview of the lines of development and the current state of development of cooperative law and the cooperative system

| by Tizian Troxler | Stämpfli AG | Bern | Editor[s]: Stämpfli AG | "Berner Kommentar, Kommentar zum schweizerischen Privatrecht, Obligationenrecht, Die Genossenschaft, Systematische Darstellung und Kommentierung der Art. 828-838 OR" | ed.: 2

Crowdfunding and the Protection of Trust - Fundamentals and Comparative Law Considerations

| by Tizian Troxler | in: Oxford Business Law Blog

The significance of the political system in the transformation of Swiss corporate and capital market law

| by Tizian Troxler | in: Protagonisten im Gesellschaftsrecht | pp. 183 - 223

Crowdfunding and protection of legitimate expectations - basics and comparative law considerations

| by Tizian Troxler | | "Vertrauensschutz im digitalen Zeitalter" | ed.: 73 - 40

The development of Swiss cooperative law

| by Tizian Troxler | Editor[s]: Schulthess | "Theorie und Praxis des Unternehmensrechts, Festschrift zu Ehren von Lukas Handschin" | ed.: p. 691 - 708

The Legitimisation Practice of the Federal Supreme Court on Competitor Complaints - A Critical Analysis with Proposals for Change

| by Lukas Schaub and Tizian Troxler | in: Schweizerisches Zentralblatt für Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht | pp. 415 - 435

Switzerland: Pending Corporate Law Reforms with a Special Focus on Socio-Political Objective

| by Tizian Troxler | in: Swiss Institute for Comparative Law (ISDC’s Letter, 47) | pp. 4 - 9

The major revision of company law in the light of the international corporate governance debate

| by Tizian Troxler | in: recht (36/04)

New Rules for Crowdfunding in Switzerland - A Reasonable Modernization that Raises Fundamental Questions

| by Tizian Troxler | in: Oxford Business Law Blog

International Standards in Swiss Financial Market Law

| by Tizian Troxler | in: Jusletter

Regulation of excessive compensation at listed stock corporations - Switzerland as a role model?

| by Tizian Troxler | in: Journal of Commercial and Intellectual Property Law | pp. 161 - 181

Judicial development of the law and codified judicial law

| by Tizian Troxler | in: Jusletter

Unzulässigkeit von Beteiligungsscheinen bei Genossenschaften. Bundesgericht kippt Entscheid des Bundesverwaltungsgerichts

| by Peter Forstmoser, Franco Taisch and Tizian Troxler | in: Jusletter

The universality of justification grounds in the relationship between criminal and civil law

| by Tizian Troxler | | Editor[s]: Helbing Lichtenhahn Verlag

Subjective justification elements in liability law

| by Tizian Troxler | in: recht | pp. 149 - 164