Spikevax Covid-19 vaccine for children up to 5 years: application for indication extension sub-mitted

26 May 2022 – Moderna Switzerland GmbH has applied to extend the indication for its Spikevax® vaccine to children aged 6 months to 5 years. Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine Spikevax® has been authorised in Switzerland for prevention of Covid-19 disease in children aged 6 years and over since 13 May 2022. Based on the application submitted, an extension of the indication to children aged 6 months to 5 years is being reviewed. Swissmedic is reviewing the documents received on an ongoing basis and will communicate its decision on the risk-benefit profile in this age group in due course. Swissmedic will hold an online information event on 3 November 2022.

For more information, see here and here.