FOPH: Suva authorized to provide financial support to Foundation Compensation Fund for Asbestos Victims (EFA)

13 September 2024 – The Federal Council adopted the dispatch regarding the amendment to the Accident Insurance Act (Bundesgesetz über die Unfallvresicherung, UVG). This amendment authorizes Suva to provide financial support to the Compensation Fund for Asbestos Victims (Stiftung Entschädigungsfonds für Asbestopfer; EFA). The Foundation compensates asbestos victims whose illnesses are not covered by the compulsory health insurance (obligatorische Krankenpflegeversicherung, OKP), particularly in cases where occupational asbestos exposure cannot be proven. In order to keep premiums stable, the new Article 67b UVG stipulates that Suva may only use additional revenue from occupational accident and disease insurance to provide this support. The decision regarding the financial contribution and its extent falls solely within the competence of the Suva Board.

For more information, see here.