FOPH: Consultation procedure on implementation of the «once only» principle in the Health Insurance Act

13 décembre 2024 – The Federal Council has initiated the consultation procedure for the amendment of the Health Insurance Act (Krankenversicherungsgesetz, KVG) to ensure the consistent implementation of the «once only» principle in data collection. Hospitals shall be obliged to transmit the data required under the Federal Statistics Act (FStatA) and other social insurance laws centrally to the platform operated by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO). This measure aims to enhance efficiency, transparency, and data quality.

The proposed amendment provides for the repeal of art. 59a KVG, with its provisions to be transferred to two new, more precise articles. The objective is to simplify the transmission of data, avoid redundancies, and provide a common basis for the use of anonymized data for planning and pricing purposes, accessible to cantons, insurers, hospitals, and courts.

Under the leadership of the FSO, technical solutions have been developed in collaboration with key stakeholders. Complementary legislative amendments to the accident, military, and invalidity insurance laws are also envisaged to facilitate the future integration of outpatient data into the centralized FSO platform.

For more information, see here.