Raphael Dummermuth

Raphael Dummermuth

Dr. iur., MLaw




Telefono diretto: +41 58 658 14 99

Curriculum Vitae

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Raphael Dummermuth is a trainee at the Basel office.

Born in 1996, Raphael Dummermuth studied law in Fribourg (MLaw 2020) and then worked as an assistant to Prof. Dr Alexandra Jungo (2020-2022) before spending a year researching at the Max Planck-Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg (2022-2023) as a fellow of the Fribourg Research Foundation. In 2022, he was also an assistant to Prof. Dr Cordula Lötscher before completing his traineeship at the Civil Court of Basel-Stadt in 2023, working as a research assistant for Prof. Dr Corinne Widmer Lüchinger and successfully completing his dissertation (summa cum laude).

Raphael Dummermuth is fluent in German, English and French.