Bregal Unternehmerkapital new growth partner of Embassy Jewel AG
18 June 2017 – Bregal Unternehmerkapital has acquired a majority stake in Embassy Jewel AG, a retail company specializing in luxury watches and jewelry. Headquartered in Lucerne, Embassy Jewel AG has grown steadily since its foundation in 1970 and is today, with its attractively located stores in Lucerne, the Swiss watch capital, and St. Moritz, among the five largest retail companies in this sector. With its new partner Bregal Unternehmerkapital, Embassy Jewel AG plans to make further investments to strengthen the branch network and the in-store infrastructure.
Walder Wyss acted as advisor in all legal aspects of the transaction. The team was led by Stefan Knobloch (Partner, Corporate/M&A) and Luc Defferrard (Partner, M&A/Banking & Finance) and further included Christian Hagen (Associate, Corporate/M&A), Boris Räber (Associate, Corporate/M&A), Linda Bieri (Trainee, Corporate/M&A), Oliver M. Kunz (Partner, IP/IT), Christine Scherrer (Associate, IP/IT), Fabian D. Glässer (Associate, Banking & Finance), Simona Müller (Associate, Banking & Finance), André Kuhn (Associate, Real Estate), Christoph Stutz (Associate, Employment) and Daniel Zimmerli (Managing Associate, Competition).