Covid-19: Federal Council allows easy access to travel vaccination
17 June 2022 – Th number of coronavirus infections is currently at a low level. Switzerland and other countries have lifted most of the measures. Therefore, no certificate is currently required for travel to Switzerland. From a medical and epidemiological point of view, except for persons with a severely weakened immune system, there is no need for further booster vaccination at the present time. However, for travel abroad, it may be necessary to receive a further booster vaccination. Therefore, the federal council decided at its meeting on 10 June 2022 to allow access to a booster vaccination for non-medical purposes. These are mainly travel vaccinations. Travellers must pay for this vaccination themselves. This travel-related booster vaccination is carried out outside the authorisation of Swissmedic (off-label) and without a recommendation by the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) and the Confederate Commission for questions of vaccinations (Eidgenössische Kommission für Impffragen, EKIF). It can be administered by the attending physician in compliance with the duty of care.
For more information, see here.