The Confederation procures vaccines and medicines against monkeypox

26 August 2022 – In order to contain the spread of monkeypox, the Confederation wants to procure 40,000 doses of a vaccine against monkeypox. Estimates are difficult, but the Confederation assumes that around 20,000 people are willing to be vaccinated. In addition, it is planned to purchase 500 treatment units of a drug against monkeypox, which prevents severe courses and complications in persons who have contracted the disease. At the same time, the army will procure 60,000 vaccine doses and 500 treatments for the readiness of deployment contingents, because this vaccine can also be used in the event of an outbreak of other smallpox viruses. The Federal Council decided on central procurement at its meeting on 24 August 2022. This joint ordering allows for potential savings.

The Swiss Federal Commission for Immunisation (Eidgenössische Kommission für Impffragen,
and the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) will recommend vaccination to the following risk groups:

  • As a preventive vaccination for MSM (men who have sex with men) and trans people with frequently changing sexual partners;
  • As a preventive vaccination for persons who are exposed to monkeypox viruses for occupational reasons (medical personnel/personnel of special laboratories);
  • For contact persons of infected persons. This is intended to break the chains of infection and protect children, pregnant women, and any other persons at risk.

For more information, see here.