Federal Council receives report on the implementation of the revised system of care financing
3 May 2024 – The new system of financing care entered into force more than ten years ago. It regulates how care services in nursing homes and at home are financed by health insurers, those in need of care and the cantons. According to the report, the introduction of fixed contributions for care services from the compulsory health insurance (Obligatorische Krankenpflegeversicherung, OKP) reduced the additional burden on the OKP and thus also on the payers of the insurance premiums.
However, the evaluation identified four main deficits in the implementation: determination of care requirements, differentiation between care and assistance services, cost invoicing by care institutions, residual financing and transparency of financing.
On 22 December 2002, the Swiss parliament adopted an amendment to the Swiss Federal Law on Health Insurance (Bundesgesetz über die Krankenversicherung, KVG) on the standardised financing of services (Einheitliche Finanzierung der Leistungen, EFAS). In future, all benefits provided by the OKP, including care services from 2032, will be financed by the cantons and the OKP according to a standardised formula. The new financing system is expected to partially eliminate the implementation deficits in the financing of care services, especially in residual financing.
The Federal Council concludes that no further measures are currently required at federal level to implement the revised system of the financing of care services.
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