COVID-19 vaccine: Federal Government signs three more contracts

4 février 2021 – As the Federal government on 3 February 2021 announced, the federal government has signed an agreement with Curevac and the Swedish government for the delivery of 5 million vaccine doses.

Sweden will order the doses for the EFTA states of Norway, Iceland and Switzerland and sell them on to these countries at cost price. The vaccine, based on the new mRNA technology, is currently in phase III trials. Provided this phase is completed successfully and Swissmedic grants approval, the Federal Office of Public Health sees the Curevac-vaccine available to the public from the 2nd quarter of the year.

The federal government announces also the signement of a preliminary agreement with Novavax, a protein-based vaccine. Once the final agreement has been signed and given the approval by Swissmedic, at two doses per person the ordered 6 million doses of the vaccine will be sufficient for 3 million people in Switzerland. The Federal Office of Public Health prognozes date of availability to the public for the second quarter of 2021.

Apart from that the federal government has also signed a further agreement with Moderna for an additional 6 million vaccine doses, increasing the agreed delivery to 13.5 million doses. The Moderna vaccine has already been approved by Swissmedic. The additional doses will be delivered in stages from mid-year onwards.

For further information, see here.