Approval of tariff agreements in the inpatient sector

11. Dezember 2019 – On 6 December 2019, the Federal Council approved several tariff agreements in the inpatient sector. Firstly, this concerns the updated tariff structure SwissDRG, which regulates the compensation of inpatient services in the acute somatic area of hospitals and birth centers within the framework of compulsory health care insurance. This tariff will be introduced on 1 January 2020. Further, the Federal Council approved the amended rules for TARPSY accounting, which enables the compensation of inpatient psychiatric treatments by means of performance-related daily flat rates. Finally, the Federal Council also approved a tariff agreement on the remuneration of innovative cancer therapy (CAR-T cell therapies). In this form of therapy, the patients' white blood cells are genetically modified in order to attack the cancer cells. The tariff agreement between the hospitals and the health care insurance companies is approved until the end of 2020. For further information, see here.