
Multidisziplinäre Teams und
flache Hierarchien

Zusätzliche Webseiten


Beschaffungswesen.ch bietet Ihnen einen praxisorientierten Überblick über das schweizerische Beschaffungsrecht, informiert Sie über neuste Entwicklungen und Events und behandelt ausgewählte Fragen. www.beschaffungswesen.ch

Start-up Desk

Exzellenz in Ausführung und Zusammenarbeit – Wir kennen die Bedürfnisse von Unternehmern. Unser erfahrener Start-Up Desk erkennt und fokussiert auf die rechtlichen Fragestellungen die wirklich relevant sind. www.startuplaw.ch

Data Protection

As technology advances, more and more information is being collected, stored, and exchanged all over the world. Personal data has become a precious economic commodity and data protection is acquiring increasing significance. Our professionals have extensive experience in all issues relating to data protection law and the protection of personal privacy. www.dataprotection.ch

Life Sciences

The regulation of the life science industry (pharmaceuticals, medical devices, nutrition, cosmetics, genetic testing etc.) has become ever more complex in recent years due to remarkable scientific advances. Let our professionals take care of your regulatory matters, so you can dedicate your time to scientific innovations. www.lifesciencelaw.ch


If a company is in financial distress or has already entered into insolvency proceedings, immediate and targeted measures are necessary to protect the interests of the parties involved. Our experts have extensive experience in all areas of restructuring and insolvency law as well as in the enforcement of claims. www.restructuringlaw.ch