Amendments to Narcotics Ordinances on cannabis for medical purposes
15. Juli 2022 – The ban on cannabis for medical purposes in the Narcotics Act (NarcA) will be lifted as of 1 August 2022. Cannabis for non-medical purposes remains generally prohibited and continues to require an exceptional permit from the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH). In conjunction with this amendment to the NarcA, adjustments will also be made to the Narcotics Control Ordinance (Betäubungsmittelkontrollverordnung, BetmKV) and the Narcotics Directory Ordinance (Betäubungsmittelverzeichnisverordnung, BetmVV-EDI). These amendments will enter into force on 1 August 2022. Due to the above-mentioned lifting of the prohibition in the NarcA, cannabis for medical purposes is reallocated from List d (prohibited narcotics) to List a (substances subject to all control measures) of the BetmVV-EDI.
A two-stage licensing procedure consisting of an operating licence for cultivation and an individual cultivation licence will now be created for cultivating cannabis for medicinal purposes. The cultivation operating licence is the prerequisite for the granting of an individual cultivation licence. Such an individual cultivation permit is required for any cultivation of cannabis for medicinal purposes.
For more information, see here.