Document Automation

Your document generation – automated

In many organizations, legal documents are often created based on templates which are re-used time and time again. In such scenarios, document automation can significantly speed up the creation of new documents, freeing up time for higher-value tasks.

Via my.walderwyss, we can provide self-service access to automated versions of our clients' templates. Our legal engineers are experienced in the automation of documents both for internal use by our own staff as well as for our clients, looking to outsource the automation of their templates to us.

As with any kind of automation, the quality of the automated content is key. Therefore, any document automation project starts with our lawyers performing a legal quality check of the templates. In a second step, our legal engineers automate the templates. After a quality check of the automation, our clients are granted access to a secure self-service site on my.walderwyss where they can create their automated documents themselves.