With ever growing amounts of data, secure means of sharing files and digital collaboration becomes increasingly important.
my.walderwyss offers a way to share and collaborate on files between our clients, our attorneys and third parties.
Access permissions can be tailored to the needs of the respective task at hand. Access to files can be adjusted granularly for each user individually or user groups. In addition, any access is fully audited.
This allows us to set up different variations of filesharing sites, such as a simple filesharing site between our clients and attorneys or an audited view-only filesharing with limited and fully audited access for third parties.
In addition, the portal allows users to collaborate on files with built-in versioning and change tracking. This can be combined with further functionality such as a task management system that fully integrates with the individual files, allowing for very efficient legal project management solutions.
For standard constellations, we can rapidly deploy a filesharing and collaboration site based on a growing number of templates. For complex constellations, our legal engineers are capable of tailoring feature combinations to the client’s needs, including automated workflows.