ZHAW presents Publication Award to “Handbuch Schweizer GmbH-Recht”
12 December 2019 – ZHAW School of Management and Law presented “Handbuch Schweizer GmbH-Recht” with the annual Publication Award on 10 December 2019. We congratulate those people from Walder Wyss who were involved as authors (Markus Vischer, Urs P. Gnos, Kinga M. Weiss, Mirjam Olah, Jenny Süess, Claudia Weber, Dario Galli, and Christoph Zaugg) and are delighted to have contributed towards this success.
Handbuch Schweizer GmbH-Recht is a manual of Swiss law as it applies to limited liability companies. It is a useful tool, particularly for those whose practice involves corporate law. It provides answers to day-to-day legal issues that arise throughout the various phases of a limited liability company’s existence (foundation, management, restructuring and termination). The more didactic material is kept deliberately short and easy to follow. The manual contains numerous checklists, templates and examples accompanied by comments.
It can be ordered from Helbing Lichtenhahn Verlag.