Angela Diener

Angela Diener

Dr. iur., LL.M., Avvocato




Telefono diretto: +41 58 658 57 62

Curriculum Vitae

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Aree di attività: Corporate / M&A

Angela Diener is a counsel in Walder Wyss’s Corporate/M&A-team. Her preferred areas of practice include contract law, corporate and commercial law and she advises clients on national and international M&A-transactions. She specializes in executive compensation in Swiss listed corporations. Angela Diener publishes in her areas of practice.

Angela Diener was educated at the University of Zurich (Bachelor of Law UZH 2011, Master of Law UZH in Business Law 2013). During her studies and while writing her Ph.D. thesis, she worked as scientific assistant at the University of Zurich. She earned her Ph.D. in the field of executive compensation in listed corporations from the University of Zurich (Dr. iur. 2019) and was awarded the Issekutz Prize 2019 for her thesis. Further, she studied law at the University of California in Berkeley, USA (LL.M. 2022; Business Law Certificate).

Before joining Walder Wyss, Angela Diener worked as a scientific assistant at the Institute for Private and Business Law at the University of Zurich and gained working experience as a trainee at the district court of Bremgarten (AG). She was admitted to the bar in 2018. She is registered with the Zurich Bar Registry and admitted to practice in all of Switzerland.

Angela Diener’s professional languages are German and English. She also speaks French and Italian.

Diritto societario / Sviluppi nel 2020

| di Dominik Hohler [Co-autore], Urs P. Gnos [Co-autore], Angela Diener [Co-autore] e Riccardo Brazerol [Co-autore] | in: Prof. Dr. Hans-Ueli Vogt (Editore) | "njus"

Gesellschaftsrecht / Entwicklungen 2019

| di Dominik Hohler [Co-autore], Urs P. Gnos [Co-autore], Angela Diener [Co-autore] e Sebastian Wyler [Co-autore] | Stämpfli Verlag AG | Editore: Prof. Dr. Hans-Ueli Vogt (Hrsg.) | "njus"

Possibili configurazioni statutarie nel settore “Say on Pay”

| di Angela Diener | Dike Verlag | Zürich/St. Gallen | Editore: Prof. Dr. Peter Forstmoser | "Schweizer Schriften zum Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht, Band 348" | Ed.: 1. Auflage

Commento zurighese al Codice delle obbligazioni, la società anonima, l’Assemblea generale e il Consiglio d’amministrazione, carenze organizzative, art. 698 – 726 e 731b CO

| di Andreas Bohrer e Angela Diener [Co-autore] | in: "Zürcher Kommentar zum Obligationenrecht" | 3. Aufl. | pag. Art. 731b