Federal Administrative Court, Decision C-3207/2017

11 maggio 2020 – In a recent decision, the Federal Administrative Court held that it is not competent to hear appeals against rulings under article 18 para. 3 Federal Law on Health Insurance (KVG). This follows from article 18 para. 8 and article 90a KVG. According to article 58 para. 1 Federal Act on the General Aspects of Social Security Law (ATSG), the insurance court of the canton in which the complainant was domiciled at the time the appeal was lodged is competent. The Federal Administrative Court further held that the residence established by the complainant in Switzerland remained in place despite the fact that he had been expelled and referred the case to the competent Social Insurance Court of the Canton of Zurich. For the full decision, see: https://jurispub.admin.ch/publiws/download?decisionId=61440a99-3cbc-42a2-83e8-418bedaf25c5.