Coronavirus: Further measures to contain the epidemic, introduction of rapid tests, new rules on travel quarantine

28 ottobre 2020 – In order to significantly reduce the number of human contacts, the Federal Council took the following measures at its meeting on 28 October 2020, which will apply from Thursday 29 October: Discos and dance halls will be closed; bars and restaurants will have to close at 11 p.m.; sporting, cultural and other events with more than 50 people are prohibited, with the exception of parliamentary and communal assemblies; sports and cultural leisure activities are permitted indoors with up to 15 people, provided sufficient distance is maintained and a mask can be worn; contact sports are prohibited; only states and territories whose incidence is more than 60 higher than the incidence in Switzerland will be placed on the quarantine list.

In addition to that, the following measures will apply from Monday, 2 November: Universities must switch to distance learning; masks must be worn in the outdoor areas of institutions and businesses and in schools from upper secondary level onwards, masks will be mandatory; masks will also be mandatory at the workplace if the distance between workplaces cannot be maintained. In addition, the Federal Council decided to introduce rapid tests.

In order to implement the above changes, the Federal Council has adapted the Special Situation Covid-19 Ordinance, the Covid-19 Ordinance concerning measures in the field of international passenger transport and the Covid-19 Ordinance 3 accordingly.

For further information, see here.