Laboratory analyses: tariffs are lowered
10 giugno 2022 – The tariffs for laboratory analyses will be reduced by ten percent from 1 August 2022. The tariff for each individual analysis must be commercially measured and appropriately designed. The linear reduction will apply until the Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA) has reviewed and adjusted the tariffs of all laboratory analyses. Analyses by general practitioners are excluded from the linear tariff reductions and the differentiated review of all individual tariffs. The tariff reduction leads to annual savings of around CHF 140 million. Further savings of around 30 million Swiss francs per year are made due to a review of vitamin D determination by means of Health Technology Assessments. The reimbursement of vitamin D determinations by the compulsory health insurance (OKP) will be limited from 1 July 2022. The coverage of costs will be limited to diseases or suspected diseases in connection with a vitamin D deficiency.
For more information, see here.