UBS Switzerland AG issuance of CHF 450 million Covered Bonds
30 gennaio 2024 – On 24 January 2024, UBS Switzerland AG successfully closed its issuance of Covered Bonds under the program in an aggregate principal amount of CHF 450 million, consisting of CHF 180 million Covered Bonds with a coupon of 1.5427% due January 2027 and CHF 270 million Covered Bonds with a coupon of 1.7150% due January 2034. The Covered Bonds are governed by Swiss law, have been provisionally admitted to trading on SIX Swiss Exchange and application for definitive admission to trading and listing will be made.
Walder Wyss advised UBS AG as Arranger, Joint-Lead Manager and Initial Dealer in respect of all transactional, regulatory and tax aspects of Swiss law in relation to the issuance. The Walder Wyss team was jointly led by Johannes A. Bürgi (Partner, Finance/Capital Markets) and Roger Ammann (Partner, Finance/Capital Markets) and included Thomas Meister (Partner, Tax) and Luca Bottani (Trainee Lawyer, Finance/Capital Markets).