Andreas Hösli

Andreas Hösli

Senior Associate
lic. iur., LL.M., Attorney at Law




Direct phone: +41 58 658 55 44

Curriculum Vitae

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Andreas Hösli is a Senior Associate at Walder Wyss in the firm’s Corporate/M&A team. He is an expert in ESG & Sustainability and advises companies and public institutions on all legal issues in this field. Andreas Hösli has widely published on these matters and frequently speaks at conferences.

Andreas Hösli graduated magna cum laude from the University of Zurich (lic. iur, 2011). Following a clerkship at the District Court of Zurich and his admission to the Swiss Bar in 2014, he worked as an Associate in a top-tier law Swiss law firm and completed an LL.M. degree at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, in 2018 (with excellence). In 2019, Andreas Hösli initiated his PhD project on Corporate Climate Responsibility (University of Zurich, Visiting Researcher at the University of Copenhagen and the University of Oslo), with the support of the Swiss National Science Foundation. In addition, he teaches Sustainability Law at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland.

Andreas Hösli speaks German, English, French and Italian. He is registered with the Zurich Bar Registry and is admitted to act before all Swiss Courts.

Federal Council Proposes Revision of Swiss Sustainability Reporting Regime

CSRD ante portas – Key Points for Swiss Companies

Die Kunst bei ESG besteht darin, etwas sehr Komplexes auf das Wesentliche herunterzubrechen.

Klimaseniorinnen v. Switzerland – What are the Implications of the ECtHR’s Landmark Climate Decision?

Corporate Climate Litigation: Klageweise Durchsetzung der Klimaverantwortung von Unternehmen? Eine Einordnung

Human Rights Due Diligence – Navigating the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct

The Rise of Climate Change Litigation – What Risks for Swiss Companies?

Introducing the Special Issue on Corporate Law and Climate Change – (How) Can Corporate Law Steer Companies Towards Meeting the Paris Climate Goals?

Climate Change Reporting and Due Diligence: Frontiers of Corporate Climate Responsibility

Corporate Climate Responsibility - The Rise of a New Governance Issue

Milieudefensie et al. v. Shell: A Tipping Point in Climate Change Litigation against Corporations?

Climate Change Liability: Comparing Risks for Directors in Jurisdictions of the Common and Civil Law

Corporate Climate Responsibility – Liability Risks under Securities Law for the Board?

Competence Problems on the CO2 front – Swiss Tax Policy is Becoming Greener

Climate Lawsuits against Corporations – International Developments and their Impact on Switzerland

Heating Up the Boardroom – Climate Change and the Board

Cyberrisks are Foreseeable

Approaches and Possible Implementation of “Meat Taxes”

Climate Change and the financial Markets: Consideration of Climate Risks and Opportunities by Institutional Investors in Switzerland