Kathrin Häcki

Kathrin Häcki

lic. iur., LL.M., Avocate




Téléphone direct: +41 58 658 29 49

Curriculum Vitae

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Kathrin Häcki advises and represents parties in all areas of contract, commercial and corporate law. She has a particular interest and legal expertise in real estate law including (commercial) tenancy and construction law. In addition, Kathrin Häcki's practice focuses on foundation law as well as insolvency and restructuring.

Born in 1978, Kathrin Häcki was educated at the Universities of Fribourg and Strasbourg (F) (lic. iur. with additional degree in European Law 2004) and at the University of Zurich (LL.M. in international Business Law 2014, Schulthess Prize for the best overall result). She was admitted to the Berne bar in 2007 (best overall result of her class). Since 2007 Kathrin Häcki has been working as an attorney at law providing both advisory and litigation services. Before joining Walder Wyss in 2020, Kathrin Häcki was a partner in a law firm with focus on commercial and real estate law.

Her professional languages are German, English and French. She is registered with the Berne Bar Registry and admitted to practice in all Switzerland.

Werkvertragliche Preisgestaltung und Preisanpassung im Immobilienbereich

| Conférencière Kathrin Häcki | Walder Wyss Breakfast Bern | Bern

Les dispositions relatives aux consommateurs de la CL et la LDIP et plus particulièrement l’élément de l’orientation sur l’art. 15, al. 1, let. c, CL dans l’e-commerce et l’interprétation de l’art. 120, al. 1, LDIP

| par Kathrin Häcki | Schulthess | Zürich | «Veröffentlichungen aus dem LL.M.-Studiengang Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht der Universität Zürich und des Europa Instituts an der Universität Zürich»

Commentaire des art. 151-158 LP, poursuite en réalisation de gage

| par Kathrin Häcki [co-auteur] et Christoph Käser [co-auteur] | Helbling Lichtenhahn Verlag | Basel | edit.: Daniel Hunkeler | «Kurzkommentar Schuldbetreibungs- und Konkursgesetz»