Andreas Wildi

Andreas Wildi

Dr. méd. et lic. iur. HSG, Avocat




Téléphone direct: +41 58 658 29 15

Curriculum Vitae

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Andreas Wildi, born 1972, is a medical doctor and an attorney at law.

He advises and represents companies, associations and NGOs in the life sciences and healthcare sector.

His main focus is on reimbursement and pricing as well as regulatory affairs relating to pharmaceuticals and medical devices.

Andreas Wildi studied medicine at the University of Zurich and received his doctorate (Dr. med. / MD). While working part-time as a doctor in a hospital, in international rescue services and assisting / substituting general practitioners, he completed his law studies at the University of St. Gallen HSG (lic. iur. HSG). Before being admitted to the bar, Andreas Wildi was a clerk at a Cantonal Court and a trainee in a recognized Zurich business law firm. From his first position as an attorney at law in a large Zurich business law firm, Andreas Wildi was asked to work for the Swiss Government, where he led the pharmaceutical reimbursement & pricing unit in the Federal Office of Public Health BAG. Andreas Wildi deepened his market access expertise internationally as EMEA market access law director for a large multinational life sciences company. Andreas Wildi has been a partner at Walder Wyss in Zurich and Berne since 2015.

Andreas Wildi works in German, English and French. He is admitted to the bar before all courts in Switzerland and is a guest lecturer in pharmaceutical law at the Law Faculty of the University of Lucerne and at the University of Bern’s KPM Center for Public Management.

Differentiated EAE examination of Herbal Medicinal Products

Swiss pharmaceutical reimbursement and pricing: Ordinance Law Changes (KVV/KLV) as of January 2024: Today's Decision by the Swiss Federal Council (Bundesrat)

Triennial review of medicines’ SL prices: Lessons learned from appeals won against the FOPH

The Revised Law on Human Genetic Testing

Access to unapproved/non-listed drugs: A veritable maze

Pharmaceutical Advertising 2022 - Switzerland

Commentary on Art. 5, 6 und 7a HMG

Entrée en vigueur de l’ordonnance révisée sur les dispositifs médicaux et ses conséquences pour le secteur des technologies médicales

The Life Sciences Law Review Capitolo 24 - Svizzera

Pubblicità farmaceutica – Svizzera

Liberté de choix de la thérapie vs principe du caractère économique dans le domaine de la liste des spécialités

Therapiewahlfreiheit vs. Wirtschaftlichkeitsgebot im Bereich der Spezialitätenliste

Update: Postponement of EU Medical Device Regulation implementation due to COVID-19

The Life Sciences Law Review Chapter 28 - Switzerland

Postponement of EU Medical Device Regulation implementation due to COVID-19

Art. 40, 52, 52a KVG

Handbook on Foodstuffs and Utility Articles law

Distinction entre produits alimentaires et thérapeutiques

Life Science Law Update

Life Science Law Update

Life Science Law Update

Life Science Law Update

Life Science Law Update

The Life Sciences Law Review - Capitolo 29: Svizzera

Pubblicità farmaceutica – Svizzera

I medicamenti non sono un bene scarso

Chapitre 16 : Suisse

Chapter 16: Switzerland

Limitierung von Arzneimitteln im Krankenversicherungsrecht: Wo wird die Grenze zur Rationierung überschritten?

Schränken hohe Arzneimittelpreise die ärztliche Therapiefreiheit ein?

Guide des contrats/Pharmacie et Sciences de la vie – spécificités du droit suisse, chapitre 10

Ärztliche Freiheit trotz Kontraindikationen?

Nebenwirkungen des Bundesratsenscheids, Kommentar in der NZZ zu Änderungen der Schweizer Arzneimittelpreisfestsetzung

Droit des médicaments: une introduction à l’attention des praticiens médicaux et pharmaciens, des autorités et des assureurs
