Markus Pfenninger

Markus Pfenninger

Dr. iur., LL.M., Avocat




Téléphone direct: +41 58 658 55 34

Curriculum Vitae

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Markus Pfenninger is a partner in the Transactions Team. His fields of expertise include capital market transactions, mergers & acquisitions, finance, restructurings, collective investment schemes as well as banking and insurance regulatory matters. He is a member of the International Bar Association’s (IBA) Task Force on the Financial Crisis and a past chair of the IBA’s Subcommittee on Legal Opinions as well as a past co-chair of the IBA’s Banking Law Committee.

Markus Pfenninger was awarded a Ph.D. from the Law School of the University of Zurich and was admitted to the bar in Zurich in 1991. He received an LL.M. from the Morin Center of Banking Law Studies, Boston University. He has working experience as foreign associate in a Boston financial management company and in a law firm.

Markus Pfenninger speaks German and English. He is registered with the Zurich Bar Registry and admitted to practice in all Switzerland.

Swiss Life – EUR 500 mio. Hybrid Bonds

IFLR 1000 Rankings - Walder Wyss as a top-performing law firm ranked

Helvetia – CHF 230 Mio. Senior Bond

Swiss Life – CHF 600 million Senior Bonds

Tango acquires Locatee

IFLR 1000 Rankings - Walder Wyss as a top-performing law firm ranked

Swiss Life – CHF 600 million Senior Bonds

Livit sells Livit FM Services AG to ISS Switzerland

Swiss Life – CHF 500 million Syndicated Revolving Credit Facility

Cembra acquires Byjuno

Swiss Life – EUR 700 mio. Senior Bond

Helvetia – CHF 400 Mio. Dual Tranche Senior Bond

DDM Group acquires Swiss Bankers Prepaid Services AG

Swiss Life – EUR 600 mio. Senior Green Bond

Swiss Life émet pour CHF 500 millions d’emprunts hybrides

La Mobilière finance une partie de la flotte automobile de Carvolution à hauteur de 50 000 000 CHF

Canopius est parti de Suisse pour se domicilier aux Bermudes et à Jersey

Swiss Life: premières obligations vertes senior (Senior Green Bonds) pour un montant de CHF 600 mio

Bellevue Group vend Bank am Bellevue à KBL

Aduno Holding vend cashgate à Cembra Money Bank

Swiss Life: obligation senior de CHF 250 mio

Swiss Life – Programme de rachat d’actions

Walder Wyss advised 40 North in the acquisition and subsequent sale of shares in Clariant AG

Cembra Money Bank conclut un partenariat avec la Startup Lendico Schweiz AG

Swiss Life émet pour CHF 600 mio d’emprunts hybrides

Le groupe Bâloise effectue une première émission d'obligations hybrides de 500 millions CHF

Cembra Money Bank refinance les portefeuilles de crédits privés d’eny Finance

Émission de droits de souscription de DDM Holding

Cembra Money Bank reprend SWISSBILLING SA, une prestataire de financement de factures

Les emprunts d'une somme de CHF 300 mio. de gategroup

Les emprunts d'une somme de CHF 100 mio. de Zug Estates

Fairfax Financial fusionne avec Allied World de Suisse pour un montant d'USD 4,9 mia en espèces et en actions

Mercury acquires CES

Swiss Life – Prêt hybride de 600 millions d'euros

Swiss Life - CHF 600 mio. Hybrid Bonds

Arval rachète l’activité de gestion de flotte automobile de GE Capital

Swiss Life: obligation hybride de EUR 750 millions

Life Invest Holding AG rachète Skandia Vie SA

Schaeffler issues high yield bonds

IPO of Glarner Kantonalbank

Swiss Life Holding AG issued CHF 500 million Convertible Bonds

IPO Cembra Money Bank

Volvo Auto Bank Deutschland transfers Swiss Leasing and Dealer Wholesale Business to FCE Bank

Swiss Life Holding AG issued two Senior Bonds in the amount of CHF 425 million

Warranty & Indemnity Insurance in M&A Transaction

Swiss Life closed CHF 800 million Loan Exchange Transaction

Mobiliar establishes investment management company

Swiss Life AG issued a CHF 300 million hybrid bond

Walder Wyss advises Schaeffler AG with regard to a credit agreement and the public placement of high-yield bonds

Sale of AXA Bank customer portfolio to bank zweiplus

Financing of the acquisition of Bureau Van Dijk by Charterhouse Capital Partners

Migros sells packaging business to German RLC

The Revised Insurance Intermediation Regime at a Glance

Doing Business in Switzerland – A Practical Guide

Doing Business in Switzerland – A Practical Guide

Corporate Finance Forum 2019

Les hedge funds en Suisse

Commentaire de Bâle sur les art. 821–826 du Code suisse des obligations

Commentaire de Bâle sur les art. 2, 6, 20–23, 30–32 de la loi sur les placements collectifs (LPCC)

Mergers & Acquisitions Practice Area Review

Mergers & Acquisitions Practice Area Review

Commentary to Art. 13, 14 and 16 of the intermediated securities law

Hedge Funds in Switzerland

Hedge fund regulations in Switzerland and the EU

Chapter on Switzerland

Buyback of equity and debt securities in Switzerland

A survey of current regulatory trends – Chapter on Switzerland

Acting in Concert vs. Limitation of Voting Power

Die vereinheitlichte Finanzmarktaufsicht: das erste Jahr

Zum Entwurf des neuen Bundesgesetzes über den Einlegerschutz

Chapter on Switzerland

Buyback of equity and debt securities in Switzerland

Commentary to Art. 32 of the Collective Investment Schemes Act, CISA

Legal Opinion in Capital Market Transactions

Commentary to Art. 2, 6, 20, 21–23 of the Swiss Collective Investment Schemes Act

Commentary to Art. 821-826 of the Swiss Code of Obligations

Switzerland – Security over Receivables

Commentary to Art. 425–439 of the Swiss Code of Obligations

Sicherheit an Forderungen

New Insurance Law Reforms the Supervision of Insurers in Switzerland

Die Verantwortlichkeit des Anwalts für Third Party Legal Opinions

Legal Risk unter Basel II

Commentary to Art. 820–823 of the Swiss Code of Obligations

Commentary to Art. 11–13 of the Swiss Investment Fund Act

Recent Developments in the Swiss Securities Market: The establishing of Eurex, the joint derivatives market of the Deutsche Boerse AG and the Swiss Exchange - An Overview

Das Schweizerische Bankgeheimnis

Bank Confidentiality

Market Manipulation and Stabilization in Switzerland

Ausländische Fonds und das AFG

An Interpretation of Terms and Conditions of Bonds

Chancen und Risiken der Übrigen Fonds – Eine Plattform für Innovationen mit Entwicklungspotential
