Deals & Cases

Acquisition of Berliner Glas Medical Applications and SwissOptic by JENOPTIK

22 ottobre 2021 – On October 19, 2021, JENOPTIK AG (Xetra: JEN), a globally active technology group, announced that it has agreed to acquire a 100% stake in BG Medical Applications GmbH, SwissOptic AG, and SwissOptic (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. from Berliner Glas GmbH, a wholly-owned subsidiary of ASML Holding N.V. (NASDAQ: ASML). Berlin-based BG Medical Applications GmbH is a supplier of high-precision, custom optical components for the medical technology sector. SwissOptic AG with registered seat in Heerbrugg (Switzerland) is a specialist in developing and manufacturing optical components and assemblies, primarily for the medical technology, semiconductor, and metrology industries. BG Medical Applications GmbH, SwissOptic AG, and SwissOptic (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. employ around 500 people worldwide. The transaction is still subject to approval from the German Federal Cartel Office (Bundeskartellamt). Closing is expected for December 2021.

Walder Wyss has advised JENOPTIK on the Swiss law aspects of the transaction. The Walder Wyss team was led by Urs P. Gnos (Partner, Corporate/M&A) and Dario Galli (Associate, Corporate/M&A). Further, it included Hans Rudolf Trüeb (Partner, Regulated Markets, Competition, Technology & IP), Dominik Aerni (Senior Associate, Corporate/M&A), Riccardo Brazerol (Associate, Real Estate), Chiara Wirz (Associate, Employment), and Carmen Spichiger (Associate, Corporate/M&A). White & Case acted as lead transaction counsel to JENOPTIK.