Kinga M. Weiss

Kinga M. Weiss

Dr. iur., LL.M., TEP, Avvocato, Avvocato specializzata SAV in diritto successorio




Telefono diretto: +41 58 658 56 80

Curriculum Vitae

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Kinga M. Weiss is a partner and co-chair of the Private Clients team of Walder Wyss. She primarily devotes her time to domestic and foreign private clients, banks and family offices. Her areas of expertise are centered around both private clients and entrepreneurs in matters of inheritance law, including marital property law, relating to estate planning, business succession and execution of wills. Cross-border cases account for the bulk of her field of action. Besides, she also supports clients with relocation, asset structuring, trust and endowment matters and tax affairs. She regularly holds speeches and publishes articles in and outside of Switzerland. Kinga M. Weiss was a member of the Expert Commission on the revision of the Swiss Private International Law Act on inheritance law. She chairs the Schulthess Forum conference and is the country correspondent for Trusts & Trustees, the leading international journal on trust law and practice and the official journal of the International Academy of Estate and Trust Law.

She is a member of the Zurich Bar Association, Swiss Bar Association, International Bar Association (IBA), the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) and the International Academy of Estate and Trust Law as well as a fellow of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel (ACTEC).

Born in 1969, Kinga M. Weiss was educated at the University of Zurich (lic.iur. 1996, Dr.iur. 1999) and New York University School of Law (LL.M. 2003). In 2000 she passed the bar and qualified as an attorney and in 2011 she graduated as certified specialist SBA inheritance law. She has working experience as clerk at the District Court of Meilen and as attorney for several years with a major Zurich law firm.

Kinga M. Weiss speaks German, English and Hungarian. She is registered with the Zurich Bar Registry and admitted to practice in all Switzerland.

Revision of Swiss international inheritance law

Legal aspects of business succession in family businesses

International Families, Assets and Challenges for your Estate Planning

International Families, Assets and Challenges for your Estate Planning

Cross Border Incapacity

New possibilities for cross-border estate planning under the revised Federal Act on Private International Law

The impact of the EU Succession Regulation on cases linked with third countries (namely Switzerland)

Jurisdiction in Switzerland in cross-border successions

Options for Cross-Border Estate Planning under the Revised Swiss Private International Law Act

Interview Robert Desax, Kinga Weiss: «Tax considerations should also be taken into account when planning your estate»

New Legislation and developments in inheritance law

Executor’s powers: What is the role/duty/obligation of an executor in your jurisdiction and how is a foreign executor recognised

You can run, but you can’t hide

Revision of Swiss International Inheritance Law

Revision of Swiss international inheritance law

Protection of the (heir)contractual heir against lifetime grants - Quo vadis?

Selected Federal Court decisions from December 2022 to June 2023 with a focus on substantive law and a focus on procedural law

Selected Federal Supreme Court decisions from December 2022 to June 2023 with a focus on substantive law and procedural law

Case law on Swiss jurisdiction in inheritance litigation

The draft for a Swiss trust: A Big Throw or Just Missed is Also Missing?

Swiss participation in acquired property and German community of accrued gains in international matters - characteristics and structuring options, with special consideration of art. 216 CC

Presentation on the most important decisions of the Federal Supreme Court in inheritance law from May 2022 to December 2022

Commented sample lawsuits on right of individuals inheritance and property law (Volume III)

Crime and Punishment: Cross Border Information Gathering and Asset Tracing

Panel Discussion: Challenging wealth and estate planning issues in dealing with the United States and US persons

Art. 216 CC as a planning aid for spouses with German nationality - illustrated by concrete examples

Most important decisions of the Federal Supreme Court in 2022 - focus on substantive issues

Position paper on the proposed draft bill for the introduction of a Swiss trust

Schulthess Forum Erbrecht (Tagungsleitung)

Introduction of a Swiss trust law

ACTEC International Estate Planning Committee / 2022 Country Summaries, Highlights and Developments

Einführung des Schweizer Trusts

Introduction of the Swiss Trust

Outlook on the planned revision of the inheritance law provisions in the IPRG

Diritto successorio aziendale III: sviluppo giuridico e Family Governance (presidenza del convegno)

Revised inheritance law: current need for action

Diritto successorio aziendale II: valutazione e finanziamento (presidenza del convegno)

La tutela dell’azienda nel diritto matrimoniale

Diritto successorio aziendale I: sfide legali – casi studio (presidenza del convegno)

Adoptierte, uneheliche oder künstlich gezeugte Kinder im Erbrecht

Nuovo diritto successorio dal 1° gennaio 2023

New inheritance law effective as of 1 January 2023

Unternehmensnachfolge unter Einbezug der Familie

Erbrecht 2021 (Tagungsleitung)

Ich würde diesen Weg ohne zu zögern wieder beschreiten

Diritto successorio 2020 : gli sviluppi nel diritto successorio (direzione della Conferenza)

La fine della famiglia nucleare? I figli adottivi, illegittimi o concepiti artificialmente nell’ottica del diritto successorio e quali beneficiari nelle relazioni nazionali e internazionali

Private Wealth 2020 - Chapter Switzerland

L’iscrizione delle fondazioni di famiglia nel registro di commercio

Unternehmenserbrecht quo vadis? Würdigung des bundesrätlichen Vorentwurfs zur Unternehmensnachfolge

Diritto successorio 2020 - direzione della Conferenza

Digitaler Nachlass und Erbrecht

Muster Ehe- und Erbverträge

Zuzug und Wegzug von der Schweiz

Tagungsleitung (Der Wandel in der Nachlassplanung) und Referat (Revision des IPRG)

Il diritto successorio della LDIP - riflessioni sull’attuale progetto di riforma

Schutz des Unternehmens im Ehe- und Erbrecht

Pianificazione successoria transfrontaliera - testamenti multipli: uso di testamenti internazionali e nazionali separati in caso di possesso di beni all’interno e all’esterno dell’UE

Trasferimento di persone private in Svizzera e partenza di persone private dalla Svizzera

Diritto successorio 2019: pianificazione successoria in evoluzione - le sfide dal punto di vista pratico

Revisione della LDIP

Disegno di legge e messaggio sulla revisione del diritto successorio svizzero

I regolamenti UE sui regimi patrimoniali per i coniugi e i partner registrati

Die EU-Güterrechtsverordnungen für Ehegatten und eingetragene Partner - Eine erste Analyse und Beleuchtung von Auswirkungen für die Beratung in der Schweiz

Regolamenti UE sul regime patrimoniale - Implicazioni e rischi per la pianificazione successoria

Güter- und Erbrecht

Auswirkung der Erbrechtsform auf Unternehmensnachfolgen

Der Stifter – Einflussmöglichkeiten auf die Stiftung und Grenzen

Güterrecht im internationalen Umfeld

Switzerland: International Standards and Swiss Inheritance Law

Internationale Nachlassplanung – Repetitorium zur Europäischen Erbrechtsverordnung unter Berücksichtigung des Güterrechts

Internationale Nachlassplanung – Erste Praxiserfahrungen mit der EUErbVo

Anwaltsberuf und Familie

Auswirkungen der EU-Erbrechtsverordnung auf die Schweiz

Grenzüberschreitende Erbfälle im EU Raum – Anwendung der europäischen Erbrechtsverordnung ab dem 17. August 2015

Nachfolgeplanung für Unternehmer

Erbfälle mit Beziehungen zu Drittstaaten

Erben. Teilen. Streiten?

Erben. Teilen. Streiten?

Die Erbrechtsverordnung der EU, Übersicht und Einführung – Plenarveranstaltung I

EuErbVO – Die Lücken und Tücken aus Schweizer Sicht

Europäische Erbrechtsverordnung – Neue Planungsmöglichkeiten und -risiken

Nachlassplanung für russische Klienten in der Schweiz

Die Qualifikation von Betreuungs- und Pflegeleistungen durch Angehörige und ihre Bedeutung im Erbrecht

Die EU Erbrechtsverordnung – Neue Herausforderungen für die internationale Nachlassplanung aus Schweizer Sicht

Einfluss der europäischen Erbrechtsverordnung auf internationale Erbfälle aus Schweizer Sicht

Die EuErbVo und die Schweiz

Private Betreuungs- und Pflegeleistungen und deren erbrechtliche Berücksichtigung

Erbschaft- und Nachlasssteuer Schweiz

Wohnsitz oder gewöhnlicher Aufenthalt Die Anwendungsprobleme der europäischen Erbrechtsverordnung im Rechtsverkehr mit der Schweiz

Internationale Erbfälle unter Berücksichtigung der europäischen Erbrechtsverordnung

Klage auf Vollzug eines Erbteilungsvertrages oder Teilungsklage?

EU Erbrechtsverordnung

Vorsorgeauftrag und grenzüberschreitende Erbfälle zwischen der EU und der Schweiz

Immobilienerwerb duch Ehegatten

Behandlung von Trusts in der Schweiz


Die Erbschaftssteuerreform in der Schweiz

Nachfolgeregelung für Familienunternehmen

Nachlassplanung für Familienunternehmen

The Law on the Protection of Adults

Die Prospekthaftung im internationalen Privatrecht unter Berücksichtigung des US-amerikanischen, englischen und deutschen Rechts

Entitlement of the foreign executor to the estate and his power of disposal over it
