Stefano Fornara
lic. iur., Rechtsanwalt und Notar, CAS Prozessführung
Telefon direkt: +41 58 658 44 23
Curriculum Vitae
Stefano Fornara often acts as arbitrator in domestic and international arbitrations under the major institutional rules and in ad-hoc proceedings. He also regularly represents clients in such proceedings and before Swiss state courts in commercial as well as in employment law litigation procedures.
He acts for various medium-sized and larger companies and their executive management, advising them on all legal matters related to their daily operations, contractual matters and employment law, including internal investigations, public procurement and healthcare law issues.
He advises private clients on estate and succession planning, supports them in case of disputes and, as a public notary, he gives advice and provides services in all notarial matters.
Born in 1983, Stefano Fornara was educated at the University of Zurich (lic. Iur. 2007, magna cum laude). He was admitted to the Ticino Bar in 2009 and as Public Notary of the Canton Ticino in 2011. In 2012 he obtained a Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Civil Litigation at the University of St. Gallen and Lucerne.
Stefano Fornara is fluent in Italian, German, English, French and Spanish, and has a solid knowledge of Portuguese.