Daniel Dedeyan
Prof. Dr. iur., LL.M., Attorney at Law
Direct phone: +41 58 658 53 16
Curriculum Vitae
Daniel Dedeyan is counsel in the Banking and Finance Group of Walder Wyss. He advises national and international clients in matters of banking, financial markets, insurance, corporate, contract as well as trade law. He is representing clients before supervisory authorities and the stock exchange and provides expert opinions. Daniel Dedeyan is specialized, among others, in capital market transactions (public M&A, IPO, etc.) and financial market regulation. In addition, he is particularly experienced in sustainability related regulation, sustainable finance and questions at the interface between corporate communication and law. In particular he has regularly assisted issuers, investors, financial intermediaries, insurance companies, and fintech companies with the realization of domestic and cross border projects, in proceedings of international mutual assistance in administrative and criminal matters as well as with internal regulatory, criminal, and anti-trust investigations. He publishes and teaches as a professor at Kalaidos Law School (Zurich) and as a private lecturer at the University of Zurich specialising in private and commercial law and, in particular, financial market law.
After his legal studies in Zurich and Rome (lic. iur., 2000) and PhD studies in Zurich and Frankfurt a.M. (Dr. iur., 2003), Daniel Dedeyan graduated in the USA from Yale Law School (LL.M., 2007). Following research fellowships in Germany and the USA, he concluded his post-doc degree at the University of Zurich (PD, Privatdozent, associated with the faculty of law, 2015) and published a book on corporate communication in corporate and financial markets law. Before entering Walder Wyss, he was working in the Zurich office of a leading international law firm.
Daniel Dedeyan works in German and English and has good knowledge of Italian and French. He is registered with the Zurich Bar Registry and admitted to practice in all Switzerland.