Thiemo Sturny
Dr. iur., LL.M., Attorney at Law
Direct phone: +41 58 658 52 92
Curriculum Vitae
Thiemo Sturny advises domestic and foreign clients in all fields of company law, including national and international M&A transactions, restructurings and questions of corporate governance. He also specialises in credit financing, capital market transactions and supporting start-ups in private equity financing matters. Thiemo Sturny publishes regularly in his fields of expertise and is lecturing in the LL.M. post-graduate degree programme at the University of Zurich.
Thiemo Sturny studied at the University of Fribourg (lic. iur. 1996 with the specialisations 'bilingual' and 'European law', Dr. iur. 1998, summa cum laude) and at the College of Europe in Brügge (LL.M., 2001). Before he began working for Walder Wyss, Thiemo Sturny was employed for several years at a major and a medium-sized business law firm in Zurich. Moreover, he acquired practical experience as in-house counsel in the legal department of an international insurance group and as board secretary and head of the legal department of a listed industrial company.
Thiemo Sturny speaks German, English and French. He is registered in the Zurich Bar Registry.