Marco Stacher

Marco Stacher

PD Dr. iur., LL.M., Avocat




Téléphone direct: +41 58 658 55 01

Curriculum Vitae

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Marco Stacher is counsel in our Litigation and Arbitration Team. He advises in dispute resolutions matters, represents clients in international arbitrations as well as before state courts, and sits as arbitrator in both institutional and ad hoc matters (as sole arbitrator, president of arbitral tribunals and party-appointed arbitrator).

Marco Stacher is registered on the ICC National Committee’s (Switzerland) list of arbitrators, is listed on Who’s Who Legal – Future Leaders 2019 in both the arbitration and the litigation section, and is recommended by Legal500. He also is a lecturer for international commercial arbitration, contracts and conflict of laws at St. Gallen University, and regularly publishes and speaks on topics related to arbitration.

Marco Stacher was educated at St. Gallen University (lic. iur. 1999, Dr. iur. 2007, PD 2019) and obtained an LL.M. degree from Cornell Law School (LL.M. 2005, Fulbright Fellow). He was admitted to the bar in 2001 and worked as an associate in other business law firms in Zurich and London.

Marco Stacher speaks German, English and French. He is registered with the Zurich Bar Registry and admitted to practice before all Swiss courts.

Commentary on Articles 38-41 and Appendix B Swiss Rules

Commentary on Article 190a PILA (review)

Commentaire de l’art. 181 LDIP

Rechtsprechungspanorama Schiedssachen

Eingriffsnormen und Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit

Kernpunkte der Revision des 12. Kapitels des IPRG

Nicht- und Scheinschiedssprüche sowie nichtige Schiedssprüche

Le caractère contraignant des textes pararéglementaires

Einführung in die internationale Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit der Schweiz

Commentary on Art. 372, 377–380 and 387 of the Swiss Code of Civil Procedure

Rechtsprechung des Bundesgerichts in Schiedssachen

Costs in International Arbitration

Parallel Proceedings and Lis Pendens

Commentary on Article 181 of the PILS

Der unzuständige Schiedsrichter

Die falsche Zeugenaussage

Arbitration under the Swiss Rules

The Judge must ex officio Consider the Nullity of the Contract

Commentary to sect. 61, 353 to 359, 360 to 366 and 407 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure

Rechtsprechung des Bundesgerichts in Schiedssachen

Rechtsprechung des Bundesgerichts in Schiedssachen (2009 und 2010)

Postulat gegen die Abschaffung von Art. 139 OR

The Legal Nature of Arbitration Agreements

Das Rechtsschutzinteresse im internationalen Verhältnis

Grenzen des Regelungsbereichs von Art. 186 Abs. 1 bis IPRG

Prozessführungsverbote zur Verhinderung von sich widersprechenden Entscheiden

Commentary to Art. 38 to 41 of the Swiss Rules of International Arbitration

Prozessführungsverbote zur Unterstützung resp. zur Unterbindung von Schweizer Schiedsverfahren

Zum Einfluss des Vertragsrechts auf Kostenentscheide von Schiedsgerichten

Amerikanische Prozessführungsverbote zur Verhinderung ausländischer Gerichts- und Schiedsverfahren

Commentary on Judgment review Federal Supreme Court, I. Civil Division, judgment 4A_564/2020 of June 7, 2021, A. v. B. S.A., international arbitration, lack of jurisdiction of the CAS
