Nicole Cleis

Nicole Cleis

Managing Associate
Dr. iur., LL.M., Rechtsanwältin




Téléphone direct: +41 58 658 51 88

Curriculum Vitae

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Domaines d'activité: Contentieux Arbitrage

Nicole Cleis advises and represents clients in international commercial and investment arbitration proceedings under various arbitration rules (including ICSID, ICC, Swiss Rules), as well as in proceedings before state courts. She specializes in resolving disputes in complex construction and infrastructure projects, and in the life sciences and consumer goods sectors (esp. food). In addition to her work as counsel, she also acts as an arbitrator.

Nicole Cleis holds a certificate of transnational law from the University of Geneva (2005), a law degree (lic. iur., summa cum laude, 2007) and a PhD (Dr. iur., summa cum laude, 2016) from the University of Basel, and an LL.M. from Harvard Law School (2014). During her PhD studies on the subject of the independence and impartiality of ICSID arbitrators, she was a visiting researcher at the University of California at Berkeley School of Law. She regularly publishes and speaks at international conferences on topics related to arbitration.

Prior to joining Walder Wyss, Nicole Cleis worked as an associate in leading Swiss law firms, and as an adjunct lecturer for international investment law at the University of Neuchâtel.

Nicole Cleis practices in German and English and also speaks Czech, French, Italian and Spanish. She is registered with the Zurich Bar Registry and admitted to practice in all Swiss courts.

Awards in Deutsche Telekom v. India Upheld in Switzerland Swiss Federal Court Dismisses Request for Review as Inadmissible and Belated

Commentary on Article 190a PILA (review)

Commentary on Article 43 Swiss Rules (Emergency Relief)

Liquidated Damages and Penalties in International Construction Agreements

Real Estate Sale and Purchase Agreements - Risks Associated with the Payment of the Broker's Commission by the Buyer / Bankruptcy of a Tenant of Business Premises / Liquidated Damages and Penalties in International Construction Agreements

Il Tribunale federale conferma il lodo arbitrale da 1,5 miliardi di euro a favore di Türkmengaz

Il TF conferma la decisione sulla competenza in Natland v. Repubblica Ceca: l’unica sconfitta ceca in un caso riguardante il solare

Arbitrato ad hoc

Il Tribunale federale annulla il lodo arbitrale in un caso ISDS: Limitazione illecita del "nationality planning" in Clorox v. Venezuela

Arbitrato sul trattato di investimento nel 2020: Svizzera

Arbitrato sul trattato di investimento nel 2019: Svizzera

L’indépendance et l’impartialité des arbitres du CIRDI. Jurisprudence actuelle, approches alternatives et propositions d’améliorations

Le règlement des litiges entre les États investisseurs à la croisée des chemins : qui doit trancher les litiges transatlantiques en matière d’investissement ?

Come il diritto alla privacy è diventato un diritto umano

Minaccia di violenza domestica come ostacolo all’espulsione e all’estradizione in conformità all’art. 3 CEDU

Comparaison juridique du partenariat entre personnes de même sexe