Florian Roth

Florian Roth

Managing Associate
MLaw, LL.M., Avvocato




Telefono diretto: +41 58 658 55 79

Curriculum Vitae

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Clients mention him as “quick, smart and very efficient” - Legal500

Florian Roth is a managing associate in the Regulated Markets, Competition, Technology & IP Team. His preferred areas of practice include in particular public and administrative law with a special focus on public procurement and land planning law. He regularly represents domestic and foreign companies as well as the public sector in complex proceedings before Swiss authorities and courts, and advises clients on transactions in regulated markets.

Clients mention him as “quick, smart and very efficient” - Legal500

In Legal 500 (2020), clients mention him as “quick, smart and very efficient”. Since 2023, Florian Roth has been recognized in The Legal 500 as a 'Recommended Lawyer' in the areas of Data Privacy and Data Protection.

Florian Roth was educated at the University of Zurich (MLaw) and at Vanderbilt University Law School in Nashville TN (LL.M.). He was a junior associate at at large Swiss law firm, and later served as a manager of a legal tech start-up company. Florian Roth was admitted to the bar in 2018.

Florian Roth's professional languages are German and English. He also speaks Italian and French. He is registered with the Zurich Bar Registry and admitted to practice in the whole of Switzerland.

Kommentierung zu Art. 54 DSG

| di Florian Roth e Simon Mazidi | in: Onlinekommentar

Florian Roth wird Managing Associate von Walder Wyss

| di Florian Roth | in: LAWSTYLE

Public Procurement & Government Contracts 2024: Trends and Developments

| di Martin Zobl, Ramona Wyss e Florian Roth | in: Chambers and Partners

Q&A: public procurement in Switzerland

| di Florian Roth e Simon Mazidi | in: Lexology Panoramic

Q&A: judicial review in Switzerland

| di Florian Roth e Simon Mazidi | in: Lexology Panoramic

Impugnazione di piani direttori da parte di consorzi comunali e privati: discussione sulla decisione principale del Tribunale federale 1C_644/2019 del 4 febbraio 2021 (destinata alla pubblicazione) in merito alla discarica di Tägernauerholz

| di Florian Roth | in: Jusletter

Appalti pubblici e contratti governativi nel 2021: tendenze e sviluppi

| di Martin Zobl, Ramona Wyss e Florian Roth | in: "Chambers Global Practice Guide"

Prozessuale Besonderheiten der Strafnormen zum revidierten Lebensmittelgesetz vom 1.1.2017 (LMG) gegenüber dem Kernstrafrecht

| di Florian Roth | in: iusNet

Handkommentar zum Schweizerischen Beschaffungsrecht: Kommentierung von Art. 52 bis 54

| di Hans Rudolf Trüeb, Micha Bühler, Nathalie Clausen, Regula Fellner, Pandora Kunz-Notter, Thomas P. Müller, Mirjam Olah, Sophie Regenfuss, Florian Roth, Felix Tuchschmid, Ramona Wyss, Daniel Zimmerli, Martin Zobl, Letizia Schlegel e weiteren externen Autoren | Schulthess Verlag | Editore: Hans Rudolf Trüeb

Zur Nichtigkeit von Kündigungsverfügungen im Personalrecht

| di Florian Roth | in: Jusletter

Strafbestimmungen und Rechtsschutz

| di Florian Roth | Schulthess Verlag | Editore: Daniel Donauer, Hugh Reeves, Celine Weber | "Lebensmittel- und Gebrauchsgegenständerecht" | Ed.: 1st

What Switzerland should consider when tracking cyber incidents

| di Florian Roth | in: swissinfo.ch
