David Vasella

David Vasella

Dr. iur., CIPP/E, CIPM, FIP, AIGP, Avvocato




Telefono diretto: +41 58 658 52 87

Curriculum Vitae

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David Vasella is a partner on the Information Technology, Intellectual Property and Competition team. He advises and represents Swiss and international companies in all industries and at all stages of growth on questions concerning data and technology law. He specialises in data use, setting up platform models, data and technology-related contracts, data security matters, cloud projects, data protection compliance (including implementation projects and audits), and artificial intelligence. He regularly gives talks and writes publications on his areas of expertise, for example on datenrecht.ch, a Swiss platform on data law.

After graduating from the University of Fribourg in 2002 with a degree in law, David Vasella was admitted to the Zurich bar in 2004 and went on to receive his doctorate from the University of Zurich in 2011, for which he was awarded the highest distinction as well as the Prof. Walther Hug prize and the Issekutz prize. David Vasella is the founder and editor of datenrecht.ch, an online platform for data law. He is a certified information privacy professional and manager (CIPP/E, CIPM), Fellow of Information Privacy (FIP) and AI Governance Professional (AIGP).

David Vasella is listed in international rankings as a leading expert in data and technology (Chambers: “He is absolutely stellar when it comes to data protection”; Who’s Who Legal: “revered as the ‘go-to person for data protection’, with a wealth of experience in compliance matters”; Legal500: “committed and pragmatic” and an “outstanding lawyer with excellent analytical skills, a wealth of legal expertise, high client-focus. David is responsive, pragmatic and fully committed to serve his clients. Besides, he is a very likeable chap”).

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DDM Group acquires Swiss Bankers Prepaid Services AG

Walder Wyss fornisce consulenza all’Associazione Svizzera d’Assicurazioni (ASA) tramite il Sistema di segnalazione e informazione (HIS)

OneMed ha concluso un accordo per acquisire una partecipazione di maggioranza in SMEDICO AG

Walder Wyss riconosciuto come uno dei 100 migliori studi legali a livello globale in materia di dati

Viseca suddivide l’attività nel settore delle carte fra una società di issuing e una di servizi

I gruppi J. Safra e P. Peress rilevano gli spazi di lavoro IWG (marchio Regus) in Svizzera

Aduno Holding vende cashgate a Cembra Money Bank

ASB: linee guida per il Cloud - Perizie sul segreto bancario

DigiCert acquista QuoVadis

Basler Kommentar zum Datenschutzgesetz und Öffentlichkeitsgesetz: Kommentierung von Art. 21 DSG

| di Simon Henseler e David Vasella | in: Gabor Blechta, David Vasella (Editore) | "Datenschutzgesetz /Öffentlichkeitsgesetz" | 4a edizione

Doing Business in Switzerland – A Practical Guide

| di Ramona Wyss, Andrea Haefeli, Gion Giger, David Vasella, Davide Cerutti, Marco Galli, Roger Staub, Manuel Bigler, Reto Jacobs, Monique Sturny, Thomas P. Müller, Nadja D. Leuthardt, Adriano Antonietti, Valentine Schnyder, Stefan Knobloch, Dimitrios Berger, Dominik Hohler, Letizia Schlegel, Stéphanie Oneyser, Urs P. Gnos, Dario Galli, Michael Kündig, Markus Vischer, Urs Schenker, Christian A. Schmid, Patrick W. Vogel, Alexander Sorton, Samuel Lieberherr, Daniel Dedeyan, Nico Bernhard, Theodor Härtsch, Tervel Stoyanov, Lukas Wyss, Markus Pfenninger, Valentin Wiesner, Rafal Szala, Thiemo Sturny, Roger Ammann, Hubertus Hillerström, Ken Savioz, Simone Wetzstein, Valentina Eichin, Irène Suter-Sieber, Olivier Sigg, Laura Luongo, Francis Nordmann, André Kuhn, Davide Jermini, Christian Eichenberger, Matthieu Seydoux, Thomas Meister, Janine Corti, Robert Desax, Fabienne Limacher, Dieter Hofmann, Rodolphe Gautier, Roxane Allot, Micha Bühler, Michael Feit, Maurice Courvoisier, Oliver M. Kunz e Pascale Köster | Editore: Urs P. Gnos, Theodor Härtsch | Ed.: 2nd edition

Cybersecurity 2023: Chapter Switzerland

| di Jürg Schneider, David Vasella e Hugh Reeves | London | "Chambers Global Practice Guide"

AI, Machine Learning & Big Data 2022

| di David Vasella, Jürg Schneider e Anne-Sophie Morand | in: "Global Legal Insights" | Fourth Edition | London | pag. 256-266

SWITZERLAND: An Introduction to TMT 2022

| di Lena Götzinger, Jürg Schneider e David Vasella | in: "Chambers Global Practice Guides" | Zürich

Privacy & Cybersecurity 2021 - Switzerland

| di Jürg Schneider, David Vasella e Hugh Reeves | in: Edward Costelloe (Editore) | "Lexology GTDT: Market Intelligence" | London | pag. 73-85

Datenportabilität und ihre Umsetzung

| di Lena Götzinger e David Vasella | in: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Finanzmarktrecht (SZW) 1/2021 | pag. 40-51

Cybersecurity Svizzera

| di Jürg Schneider, David Vasella e Hugh Reeves | in: "Chambers Global Practice Guides"

Is the revised Swiss Data Protection Act just a copy of the GDPR? copy

| di David Vasella e David Rosenthal [Co-autore] | in: "Revision of the Swiss Federal Data Protection Act"

Commento all’art. 6 LDIP (Costituzione in giudizio del convenuto)

| di David Vasella e Oliver M. Kunz [Co-autore] | in: Honsell/Vogt/Schnyder/Berti (Editore) | "Basler Kommentar zum Schweizerischen Internationalen Privatrecht" | 4 | Basel

Widersprüche im Datenschutzrecht

| di David Vasella | in: digma 4 | pag. 174 ff.
