Felix Tuchschmid is an associate in the Regulated Markets, Competition, Technology and Intellectual Property Team. He advises and represents clients in all aspects of public law, in particular, competition and distribution law, public procurement law and general administrative law. His practice also includes intellectual property law, with a focus on trademark and patent law.

Felix Tuchschmid studied law at the University of Zurich (MLaw 2019) and the University of Queensland. Before starting his practice as an attorney, he worked as assistant at a chair for private and property law at the University of Zurich and as a trainee lawyer at Walder Wyss. He was admitted to the bar in 2021.

Felix Tuchschmid's professional languages are German and English. He also speaks French. Felix Tuchschmid is registered with the Zurich Bar Registry and admitted to practice in all Switzerland.

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