Hai Nhu Pham
Telefono diretto: +41 58 658 84 13
Curriculum Vitae
Hai Nhu Pham works as a trainee lawyer at Walder Wyss in Lausanne.
She studied law at the University of Lausanne, where she earned her Bachelor's degree in Law (magna cum laude; 2021) as well as her Master's degree in Law (summa cum laude; 2023), majoring in Litigation and International & Comparative Law. Parallel to her studies, she completed an internship as a jurist at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam and at a Lausanne-based law firm. She then worked for a Legal Tech start-up company. She has also participated in the Vienna Vis Moot Court and distinguished herself as a public speaker at TEDxEcublens (2023), an event that follows the globally recognized TED Talks conference model.
Hai Nhu Pham works primarily in French, German and English. She speaks Vietnamese and has a basic knowledge of Spanish. She is registered as a trainee lawyer in the Bar Registry of the Canton of Vaud.