Matthieu Seydoux is an associate in the teams Real Estate and Regulatory, Competition, Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law. He is active in both litigation and advisory work, representing Swiss and international clients mainly in the field of healthcare, on legal issues at the interface of sector-specific regulation and competition law, in public procurement proceedings as well as in private and public construction law, including in arbitration proceedings.

Matthieu Seydoux graduated from the University of Fribourg (BLaw in 2013) and the University of Zurich (MLaw in 2014). He then completed his lawyer internship in the canton of Fribourg in a law firm specialising in business law and as a clerk at the Fribourg Cantonal Court. Admitted to the bar in 2017, he then worked for the Federal Office for the Environment and for the Institute of Swiss and International Construction Law. In 2021 Matthieu Seydoux obtained a PhD (summa cum laude) in law from Fribourg University for a PhD in energy, competition and construction law. He is currently completing an LL.M. in competition law at the Brussels School of Competition.

In addition to his work as a lawyer, he also serves as an associate judge of the federal compulsory purchase commission 2 (Vaud, Fribourg).

Matthieu Seydoux works in French, German and English. He is registered with the Vaud Bar Registry and admitted to practice in all Switzerland.

Lectures on spatial planning

Doing Business in Switzerland – A Practical Guide

Belastete Standorte – Risiken beim Erwerb von schadstoffbelasteten Grundstücken/ Bundesgerichtliche Prüfung der Basler Wohnschutzbestimmungen/ Planung und Bau thermischer Netze

Energy contracting - Heat and cooling supply

District heating

Characteristic elements of thermal networks with respect to construction, tendering and contracting

L’adjudication de contrats-cadres selon le droit révisé des marchés publics

Règlements RPH de la SIA, notabilité et motion Français. L’histoire sans fin, à l’aune du droit comparé

Die Anschlusspflicht an thermische Netze

Une adjudication de fait peut avoir de multiples conséquences

The parking letter under the revised public procurement law

Thermal networks and district heating. Study of Swiss public law. Elements of European law and comparative law.

Competition law and price recommendations - The example of the SIA Regulations

Demandes d'indemnisation selon la LMP révisée

Conférence romande consacrée au droit des marchés publics

Les études de marché selon le droit des marchés publics révisé

Die anwendbaren kantonalen Verfahren zur Implementierung der 5G-Mobilfunkantennentechnologie

Beschaffung von Strom durch die öffentliche Hand: fällt dies unter das Vergaberecht?

Der Oberflächenabfluss: eine "neue" Naturgefahr und seine Bedeutung im Recht

Versunkene Solarinseln