Johannes A. Bürgi

Johannes A. Bürgi

Dr. iur., LL.M., Rechtsanwalt




Telefon direkt: +41 58 658 55 59

Curriculum Vitae

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Johannes A. Bürgi advises clients on matters involving real estate, structured finance/securitisation, restructuring, and debt capital markets. Johannes is ranked as a top practitioner by international directories such as Chambers, PLC and ILO that describe him being 'a great tactician'. He is increasingly involved in complex restructuring, insolvency and workout situations.

In finance, Johannes for instance advised Goldman Sachs on the establishment of a new Swiss residential mortgage business platform. He also advised on virtually all public and private auto-leasing and credit card asset-backed securitisations as well as covered bond / RMBS projects in Switzerland. Johannes is Swiss winner of the ILO Client Choice Award for Securitisation and Structured Finance.

In real estate, Johannes advised the buyer in its 1 billion Swiss franc landmark acquisition of the Uetlihof office complex in Zurich from Credit Suisse AG in a sale-leaseback transaction, Blackstone Group with respect to the Swiss part of the acquisition of assets of GE Capital Real Estate in a transaction valued at US$ 23 billion globally, a Middle-Eastern sovereign wealth fund on the acquisition, development and operation of one of the biggest shopping malls in Switzerland, and another Middle-Eastern sovereign wealth fund on its acquisition of a portfolio of hotel properties in Switzerland.

Johannes was educated at Lausanne and Berne universities (state exam, 1998; Dr. iur., 2001, summa cum laude) and at Stanford Law School, U.S.A. (LL.M. in Corporate Governance and Practice, 2003). He served as Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Executive Board of Walder Wyss Ltd. from 2013-2021. He is fluent in German, English and French; he is registered with the Zurich Bar Registry and admitted to practice in all Switzerland.

UBS Switzerland AG issuance of EUR 1bn Covered Bonds

IFLR 1000 Rankings 2024 - Walder Wyss as a top-performing law firm ranked

UBS Switzerland AG issuance of EUR 1.75 billion Covered Bonds

UBS Switzerland AG issuance of EUR 1 billion Covered Bonds

UBS Switzerland AG issuance of CHF 450 million Covered Bonds

UBS Switzerland AG Swiss Covered Bond Program

IFLR 1000 Rankings - Walder Wyss as a top-performing law firm ranked

Cembra Money Bank – CHF 275 million auto lease securitization

Cornèr Banca SA begibt Senior Unsecured Anleihe über CHF 150 m

Walder Wyss berät AMAG Leasing AG bezüglich der Ausgabe von CHF 170m Green Bonds

Cornèr Banca SA Covered Bond Programme

IPI Partners to Acquire Swiss Data Center Leader Safe Host

AMAG Leasing: Swiss Car ABS 2021-1 AG

Ford Credit begibt Anleihe über 230 Mio.

AMAG Leasing: Swiss Car ABS 2020-1 AG

Walder Wyss assisted Goldman Sachs International Bank, London, on the establishment of a new Swiss residential mortgage business platform

Nyrstar gab seine erfolgreiche finanzielle Restrukturierung bekannt

Swisscard: Bondholder-Meetings von Kreditkarten-ABS-Emittenten im Rahmen des ABS-Programms von Swisscard

Swisscard AECS GmbH: Kreditkarten-ABS-Transaktion von 2019-1

Cembra Money Bank AG hat erneut eine Auto-Leasing Verbriefungstransaktion vollzogen

Acquisition Finance 2023: Switzerland - Trends and Developments

| von David Borer, Johannes A. Bürgi, Lukas Wyss und Katrin Hagger | in: Chambers Global Practice Guide

Real Estate 2022 - Chapter Switzerland

| von Francis Nordmann, Christian Eichenberger, Johannes A. Bürgi und André Kuhn | in: «Chambers Global Practice Guides» | London

The Securitisation Law Review - Chapter 10 Switzerland

| von Johannes A. Bürgi, Thomas Meister und Roger Ammann | Law Business Research Ltd | «The Law Reviews» | Aufl.: 4th edition

The Securitisation Law Review - Chapter 10 Switzerland

| von Roger Ammann, Johannes A. Bürgi und Thomas Meister | in: Michael Urschel (Hrsg.) | «Law Business Research Ltd» | London, UK

Strukturierte Finanzierung und Verbriefung 2021 – Kapitel Schweiz

| von Lukas Wyss, Johannes A. Bürgi, Maurus Winzap und Roger Ammann | in: «Getting the Deal Through» | London | Seiten 84-89

Zentrale Erwägungen betreffend Assetklassen und Abtretbarkeit von Forderungen

| von Johannes A. Bürgi [Co-Autor] und Elisabeth Moskric [Co-Autor] | in: International Law Office

Verbriefungstransaktionen: paulianische Anfechtungsklagen

| von Johannes A. Bürgi [Co-Autor] und Elisabeth Moskric [Co-Autor] | in: International Law Office

Switzerland: Law and Practice

| von Johannes A. Bürgi, Thomas P. Müller, Christian Eichenberger und Francis Nordmann | in: «Chambers Global Practice Guide: Real Estate»

Structured Finance & Securisation - Chapter Switzerland

| von Lukas Wyss, Johannes A. Bürgi und Maurus Winzap | in: «Getting the Deal Through» | London | Seiten 59-63
