Philippe Kohler
Managing Associate
MLaw, Rechtsanwalt
Telefon direkt: +41 58 658 30 22
Curriculum Vitae
Philippe Kohler is a managing associate in our private client team. He represents our clients in domestic and international disputes, mainly in the fields of succession and family law and immigration. He further regularly advises international high-net-worth individuals on asset holding structures, estate planning, relocation and philanthropy.
Philippe Kohler graduated in 2013 from the University of Geneva, where he obtained a Master in economic Law (MLaw). He was admitted to the Geneva Bar in October 2016, ranked first of his class. Before joining Walder Wyss he performed his attorney traineeship in a leading business law firm in Geneva.
Philippe Kohler's professional languages are French and English. Philippe Kohler is registered with the Geneva bar and is admitted to practice before all Swiss courts.