Roxane Allot

Roxane Allot

Managing Associate
Dr. iur., LL.M., Rechtsanwältin




Telefon direkt: +41 58 658 30 76

Curriculum Vitae

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Roxane is a managing associate in our Dispute Resolution and Arbitration Department of Walder Wyss in Geneva. She represents clients in all type of contractual and commercial disputes and represents both companies and individuals before state courts (civil and criminal) and before arbitral tribunals. Her expertise includes namely contractual, corporate, and banking law as well as white collar crime.

Roxane obtained in 2013 a Bachelor of Law from the University of Geneva, after having spent a year at the University of Zurich. In 2015, she studied at the Universities of Geneva and Basel where she received a Bilingual Master in Business Law. She was admitted to the Geneva bar in May 2017 after her traineeship with a reputed Geneva law firm specialized in commercial disputes and corporate law. During her studies, she participated with the University of Geneva to the 21st Willem C. Vis International Commercial Moot, where her team won notably the second place in the Pieter Sanders Award for Best Memorandum for Claimant. In 2015, Roxane and her team from the University of Basel won the 30th Concours René Cassin in Strasbourg. In addition, she was awarded with the price of the best oralist of the competition. During her traineeship, Roxane was finalist of the human rights Moot Court of the Memorial de Caen. Prior to joining Walder Wyss, she worked as an associate in the law firm where she has been trained. In parallel, she was a teaching assistant at the University of Geneva, in charge of coaching the team of the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot between 2016 and 2019, which obtained outstanding results.

In 2024, Roxane obtained her PhD in the fields of corporate law and arbitration, on arbitration clauses in articles of association (Art. 697n CO).

The same year, she earned an LL.M in International Economic Law and Business Policy from Stanford Law School.

She works in French, English and German. Roxane is registered with the Geneva bar and is a member of the Geneva Bar Association, the Swiss Arbitration Association and the Internal Bar Association.

Doing Business in Switzerland – A Practical Guide

| von Ramona Wyss, Andrea Haefeli, Gion Giger, David Vasella, Davide Cerutti, Marco Galli, Roger Staub, Manuel Bigler, Reto Jacobs, Monique Sturny, Thomas P. Müller, Nadja D. Leuthardt, Adriano Antonietti, Valentine Schnyder, Stefan Knobloch, Dimitrios Berger, Dominik Hohler, Letizia Schlegel, Stéphanie Oneyser, Urs P. Gnos, Dario Galli, Michael Kündig, Markus Vischer, Urs Schenker, Christian A. Schmid, Patrick W. Vogel, Alexander Sorton, Samuel Lieberherr, Daniel Dedeyan, Nico Bernhard, Theodor Härtsch, Tervel Stoyanov, Lukas Wyss, Markus Pfenninger, Valentin Wiesner, Rafal Szala, Thiemo Sturny, Roger Ammann, Hubertus Hillerström, Ken Savioz, Simone Wetzstein, Valentina Eichin, Irène Suter-Sieber, Olivier Sigg, Laura Luongo, Francis Nordmann, André Kuhn, Davide Jermini, Christian Eichenberger, Matthieu Seydoux, Thomas Meister, Janine Corti, Robert Desax, Fabienne Limacher, Dieter Hofmann, Rodolphe Gautier, Roxane Allot, Micha Bühler, Michael Feit, Maurice Courvoisier, Oliver M. Kunz und Pascale Köster | Hrsg.: Urs P. Gnos, Theodor Härtsch | Aufl.: 2nd edition

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