Johannes Landbrecht

Johannes Landbrecht

PD Dr. iur., LL.B., Attorney at Law




Direct phone: +41 58 658 31 12

Curriculum Vitae

Areas of activity: Arbitration Commercial Contracts

Johannes Landbrecht acts as counsel in complex international arbitration proceedings and also sits as arbitrator (e.g. under the ICC, LCIA, and Swiss Rules). Experienced in a wide variety of commercial disputes, under most of the leading arbitration rules, and involving more than a dozen different jurisdictions from around the globe, Johannes has developed expertise especially in energy and IP. Johannes's civil law (Germany and Switzerland) as well as common law qualifications (Barrister, England & Wales, non-practising) enable him to handle and manage efficiently, in particular in a cross-border and cross-cultural setting, complex disputes and large teams.

By his clients and peers, Johannes is recommended as "a lawyer who you know will never miss a factual or legal point that helps your case" (WWL 2021). He is considered "an extremely bright lawyer and academic with dual common and civil law background and knowledge" (WWL 2022). Serving our clients is thereby Johannes's top priority, as a client recently confirmed: "Thank you for making us feel like our case was at the top of your priority list." (WWL 2022)

Johannes holds law degrees from the University of Constance (First State Examination, MJur), the University of London International Programmes (LL.B.), and the University of Geneva (PhD, summa cum laude). He is also a private lecturer (Privatdozent) at the University of Fribourg/Switzerland. He regularly publishes, appears as speaker, and teaches at university level in his fields of expertise. He also serves as a co-editor of the ASA Bulletin, the quarterly journal of the Swiss Arbitration Association. Before joining Walder Wyss in Geneva in 2023, he practiced for almost fifteen years at leading international arbitration firms in Frankfurt/Main, Paris, Geneva, Singapore, and Zurich, advising and representing, among others, several Fortune 500 companies, involving amounts in dispute of up to several billion US dollars.

Johannes is a native German speaker and fluent in English and French. He has good passive knowledge of Italian and Spanish.
He is registered with the Geneva Bar Registry and admitted to practice in all Swiss courts.

Evolution of the EU Arbitration Law: From Conflict of Laws Rules to Substantive Requirements

| by Johannes Landbrecht | in: German Arbitration Journal [SchiedsVZ] | pp. 152-159

Iura novit curia, iura novit arbiter. The same approach to different scenarios?

| by Johannes Landbrecht | in: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Zivilprozess- und Zwangsvollstreckungsrecht [ZZZ] | pp. 31-41

Art. 178 IPRG

| by Johannes Landbrecht [co-author] | in: Stämpfli (Editor[s]) | "Berner Kommentar: Bundesgesetz über das Internationale Privatrecht" | pp. 71-202

A European «domestic arbitration law» on the horizon? Making sense of Prestige (CJEU, 20 June 2022, C-700/20)

| by Johannes Landbrecht | in: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Zwangsvollstreckungs- und Prozessrecht [SZZP] 5/2023 | pp. 595-601

Revision of the English Arbitration Act 1996. An udpate

| by Johannes Landbrecht | in: ASA Bulletin 4/2023 | pp. 812-821

Legal language communication – in the context of civil law, EU law, comparative law, and arbitral proceedings

| by Johannes Landbrecht | Mohr Siebeck (XXVI + 450 pp) | "Post-doctoral thesis"

Concluding an arbitration agreement by way of colliding standard contract terms

| by Johannes Landbrecht [co-author] | in: Zeitschrift für Zivilprozess [ZZP] | pp. 91-122

Coordinating arbitral and state court proceedings. Is there a need to amend the Brussels Ia Regulation and the Lugano Convention?

| by Johannes Landbrecht | in: ASA Bulletin 4/2021 | pp. 791-809

Filing submissions with the Swiss Federal Court in English – but in which form of English?

| by Johannes Landbrecht | in: ASA Bulletin 02/2021 | pp. 306-314

The Autonomy of Arbitration: Autonomy à Géométrie Variable

| by Johannes Landbrecht | in: 14:1 Contemporary Asia Arbitration Journal [CAAJ] | pp. 39-81

Re-calibrating Arbitration’s Efficiency Debate with Luhmann—Forget Tech, Embrace Law, and Motivate!

| by Johannes Landbrecht | in: b-Arbitra | pp. 7-58

Contractual consensus versus constraints on fundamental rights – non-voluntary arbitration proceedings

| by Johannes Landbrecht [co-author] | in: Portmann/Heiss/Isler/Thouvenin (Editor[s]) | "Gedenkschrift für Claire Huguenin, Dike" | pp. 123-138

Transnational Coordination of Setting Aside and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards

| by Johannes Landbrecht [co-author] | in: 37:6 Journal of International Arbitration [JoIA] | pp. 679-720

Commercial Arbitration in the Era of the Singapore Convention and the Hague Court Conventions

| by Johannes Landbrecht | in: ASA Bulletin 04/2019 | pp. 871-882

Strong by Association: Arbitration’s Policy Debates, Mandatory Rules, and PIL Scholarship

| by Johannes Landbrecht | in: ASA Bulletin 02/2019 | pp. 305-315

‘Over-codification’ in institutional rules?—Assessing the new provisions on measures for security for costs in the Vienna Rules 2018

| by Johannes Landbrecht | in: Roth/Geistlinger (Editor[s]) | "Yearbook on International Arbitration and ADR" | pp. 87-96

The scope and validity of arbitration agreements concerning the liability for pre-contractual behaviour in M&A disputes

| by Johannes Landbrecht | in: Wilhelmi/Stürner (Editor[s]) | "Post-M&A-Schiedsverfahren. Recht und Rechtsfindung jenseits gesetzlichen Rechts" | pp. 237-260

Strict Estoppel for Complaints that the Right to be Heard has been Violated? An ICSID-Annulment Inspired Approach to Increase Efficiency of International Arbitration

| by Johannes Landbrecht [co-author] | in: Belgian Review of Arbitration [b-Arbitra] 02/2018 | pp. 233-250

Of Confidentiality Orders and Confidentiality Offers. A Swiss Perspective on the Effect and Effectiveness of Measures to Protect Confidentiality

| by Johannes Landbrecht [co-author] | in: Beck, Stämpfli, Manz (Editor[s]) | "Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration" | 2018 | pp. 53-76

Determining the Law Applicable to the Personal Scope of Arbitration Agreements and its ‘Extension’

| by Johannes Landbrecht [co-author] | in: ASA Bulletin 04/2017 | pp. 837-859

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