Felix Tuchschmid is an associate in the Regulated Markets, Competition, Technology and Intellectual Property Team. He advises and represents clients in all aspects of public law, in particular, competition and distribution law, public procurement law and general administrative law. His practice also includes intellectual property law, with a focus on trademark and patent law.

Felix Tuchschmid studied law at the University of Zurich (MLaw 2019) and the University of Queensland. Before starting his practice as an attorney, he worked as assistant at a chair for private and property law at the University of Zurich and as a trainee lawyer at Walder Wyss. He was admitted to the bar in 2021.

Felix Tuchschmid's professional languages are German and English. He also speaks French. Felix Tuchschmid is registered with the Zurich Bar Registry and admitted to practice in all Switzerland.

Die erfolgreiche Beschwerde unter dem revidierten Beschaffungsrecht

Competition law-compliant billing of services in the supplementary insurance sector

New decisions and judgements on Swiss competition law

Digital Markets Act – New rules for big tech companies in the EU

Assignment Action in Case of Trademark Usurpation of an Employee

Current practice - including distribution of French-language books and sports on pay TV - LPC 2022/1 and further competition law case law in the first half of 2022

Establishing a selective distribution system – Checklist for practical implementation

Application of the Swiss rules on abuse of dominance on companies with relativ market power

Refusal of interoperability according to the DCC ruling of the Federal Administrative Court

Handkommentar zum Schweizerischen Beschaffungsrecht: Kommentierung von Art. 52 bis 54

Balser Commentary on the Data Protection Act and the Freedom of Information Act: Commentary on Art. 59, 50 and 52 DPA

Life Science Law Update

Life Science Law Update

The Legal 500 Patent Litigation Country Comparative Guide

Life Science Law Update

Life Science Law Update

Life Science Law Update

Le Tribunal fédéral tranche en faveur d'Apple dans une décision topique

TICK DIFFERENT: Apple perd contre Swatch devant tribunal suisse

Accordi orizzontali di fissazione dei prezzi
