Maurice Courvoisier

Maurice Courvoisier

Dr. iur., LL.M., Avvocato




Telefono diretto: +41 58 658 14 52

Curriculum Vitae

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Maurice Courvoisier advises and represents clients in arbitration and litigation proceedings in all areas of corporate and commercial law, including sales, distribution and licensing contracts, construction and civil engineering, joint ventures, and mergers and acquisitions. His areas of expertise include general contract law, private international law and international procedural law, as well as international judicial assistance and recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments and arbitral awards in Switzerland. In addition, Maurice has a wealth of experience in dealing with theatre, art and sports-related law, areas that he regularly speaks about and publishes on. He also acts as an arbitrator, and is included in the ICC Switzerland list of arbitrators.

Maurice is listed as a "National Leader" in litigation and arbitration by Who’s Who Legal (WWL) and as an expert in litigation and international arbitration by Best Lawyers.

Maurice is co-head of the Basel local group of the Swiss Arbitration Association (ASA), legal counsel of the Union of Swiss Theatres, member of the Federal Arbitration Commission for the Exploitation of Copyrights and Related Rights, member of the Basel supervisory authority for lawyers, former long-time member of the Basel Bar Association board and a former member of the court of arbitration of the Swiss Chambers' Arbitration Institution (SCAI). He is also a member of the American Bar Association (ABA), the New York Bar Association (NYSBA), the International Bar Association (IBA) and the German Arbitration Institute (DIS).

Born in 1970, Maurice was educated at the University of Basel (lic. iur., 1995; Dr iur., 2001; both summa cum laude) and at Columbia University In New York (LL.M., 1998; Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar). He was a research and teaching fellow for Professor Ingeborg Schwanzer and Swiss Federal Supreme Court Judge Professor Thomas Geiser at the University of Basel. He held several roles prior to joining Walder Wyss in 2014; he worked as a court clerk at the regional court of Biel/Bienne before joining a leading Swiss corporate law firm in 2007, where he became a partner five years later.

Maurice speaks German, English, French and Italian. He is registered with the Bar Registry of the canton of Basel-Stadt and was also admitted to practice in the State of New York, USA, in 2001.

Product Liability 2024

Doing Business in Switzerland – A Practical Guide

Manuale di diritto penale sportivo: il Tribunale federale svizzero come istanza di ricorso e di revisione contro le decisioni dei tribunali arbitrali internazionali con sede in Svizzera

Doing Business in Switzerland – A Practical Guide

Manuale di diritto processuale civile: capitolo 19 Udienza principale, capitolo 28 Assistenza legale

Commento di Basilea sul diritto internazionale privato: artt. 51-58, 186 LDIP

L’estensione degli accordi arbitrali ai non firmatari: la prospettiva svizzera

Pianificazione della risoluzione di controversie nelle relazioni d’affari internazionali

Streiterledigungsplanung im internationalen Geschäft

Industrieunfall – insbesondere Umwelthaftung

Res iudicata vor schweizerischen Schiedsgerichten

Kauf-, Liefer und Werkverträge nach Schweizer Recht

Kauf-, Liefer- und Werkverträge nach Schweizer Recht

Basler Kommentar zum Schweizerischen Internationalen Privatrecht: Art. 186 IPRG

Basler Kommentar zum Schweizerischen Internationalen Privatrecht: Art. 43 bis 58 IPRG

Arbitration in Switzerland – The Practitioner's Guide, Kommentar zu Art. 34–37 Swiss Rules

Befragung von Zeugen im internationalen Schiedsverfahren (einschliesslich Cross-Examination)

Zur Schiedsfähigkeit familienrechtlicher Angelegenheiten

Vermeidbare Exportrisiken

Inverkehrbringen und Bewerbung von Arznei- und Nahrungsmitteln

Voreheliche und eheliche Scheidungsfolgenvereinbarung – Zulässigkeit und Gültigkeitsvoraussetzungen, eine rechtsvergleichende Studie
