Mark A. Reutter

Mark A. Reutter

Dr. iur., LL.M., Avocat




Téléphone direct: +41 58 658 55 42

Curriculum Vitae

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Mark Reutter's practice focuses both on a comprehensive advising of clients who are active in the information and technology field and on the advising of other corporate and private clients in relation to technology, arts and entertainment, intellectual property as well as restructuring, insolvency and bankruptcy matters. Mark Reutter counsels Swiss and international clients and deals with the structuring, negotiation and implementation of projects and other commercial and contractual matters. He also conducts insolvency related assessments. He is a member of the Information Technology, Energy, Intellectual Property and Competition Team and of the Insolvency and Restructuring Practice Group at Walder Wyss.

Mark Reutter is an associate lecturer at the University of Fribourg for IT- and Telecommunications law and president of the International Association of Lawyers / Union International des Avocats (UIA) commission for IT- and Telecommunications law. As a member of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) task forces on outsourcing and on technology transfer, Mark A. Reutter was engaged in drafting business guidelines and model contracts for use in international commerce. As appointed specialist, Mark Reutter served in the expert group 'e-health' of the Swiss government. Being passionate for the arts, Mark Reutter acts as vice president of the Kunsthalle Zurich and is a member of several art foundations.

Born in 1964, Mark A. Reutter was educated at the Universities of Lausanne and Zurich (lic. iur. 1989, Dr. iur. 1992) and at Harvard Law School (LL.M. 1998 and teaching fellow). Before joining Walder Wyss in 1995, Mark A. Reutter worked as a research and teaching assistant with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich and as a clerk with the Zurich District Court’s bankruptcy section. During 1999, he was a foreign associate with a New York law firm.

Mark A. Reutter is fluent in German, English and French and speaks Italian and Spanish. He is registered with the Zurich Bar Registry and admitted to practice in all Switzerland.

Ein Freilager ist kein rechtsfreier Raum

Rechtliche Stolpersteine bei «Bring Your Own Device» (BYOD)

Scope and exercise of rights in literary works

Outsourcing Gebührenmodelle

Agreements between Artists and Galleries: An Overview

Royalty Models

ICC Task Force on Global Sourcing Contracts/ICC Legal Handbook on Global Sourcing Contracts

International protection of cultural objects – new developments for Switzerland under the Cultural Property Transfer Act

License agreements and bankruptcy – uncertainties and pitfalls prevail

Online Business Law Switzerland

Service Level Agreements

Copyright contract law

Copyright and copyright agreements in insolvency

Kunstraub – Raubkunst: Der Handel mit der Gutgläubigkeit

Online Business Law Switzerland

Kunst – eine heikle Handelsware. Regelungen des Rechtsverkehrs mit Kulturgut

Insolvency litigation

Moratorium and Composition Proceedings under Swiss Law

.biz and .info – Registration Process has Started

Swiss Publicity Law

Historische, ökonomische und rechtliche Aspekte des Künster-Kunsthändler Verhältnisses

Plädoyer für einen differenzierten Umgang mit den urheberrechtlichen Werkbegriff im Bereich der bildenden Kunst

Nur der vorsichtige Käufer wird geschützt – Rückgabepflicht bei gestohlenen Kunstwerken

Die UNIDROIT Konvention: Eine Bedrohung für den Kunstplatz Schweiz?

Kunstmarkt und Marktkultur

Artist – dealer contracts: a comparative study on US and Swiss law

Kunst, Kritik und Marketing

Case book on transportation law

In der Waagschale von Justitia: Rechtliche Aspekte des internationalen Kunsthandels
