Johannes A. Bürgi

Johannes A. Bürgi

Dr. iur., LL.M., Avocat




Téléphone direct: +41 58 658 55 59

Curriculum Vitae

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Johannes A. Bürgi advises clients on matters involving real estate, structured finance/securitisation, restructuring, and debt capital markets. Johannes is ranked as a top practitioner by international directories such as Chambers, PLC and ILO that describe him being 'a great tactician'. He is increasingly involved in complex restructuring, insolvency and workout situations.

In finance, Johannes for instance advised Goldman Sachs on the establishment of a new Swiss residential mortgage business platform. He also advised on virtually all public and private auto-leasing and credit card asset-backed securitisations as well as covered bond / RMBS projects in Switzerland. Johannes is Swiss winner of the ILO Client Choice Award for Securitisation and Structured Finance.

In real estate, Johannes advised the buyer in its 1 billion Swiss franc landmark acquisition of the Uetlihof office complex in Zurich from Credit Suisse AG in a sale-leaseback transaction, Blackstone Group with respect to the Swiss part of the acquisition of assets of GE Capital Real Estate in a transaction valued at US$ 23 billion globally, a Middle-Eastern sovereign wealth fund on the acquisition, development and operation of one of the biggest shopping malls in Switzerland, and another Middle-Eastern sovereign wealth fund on its acquisition of a portfolio of hotel properties in Switzerland.

Johannes was educated at Lausanne and Berne universities (state exam, 1998; Dr. iur., 2001, summa cum laude) and at Stanford Law School, U.S.A. (LL.M. in Corporate Governance and Practice, 2003). He served as Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Executive Board of Walder Wyss Ltd. from 2013-2021. He is fluent in German, English and French; he is registered with the Zurich Bar Registry and admitted to practice in all Switzerland.

IFLR 1000 Rankings - Walder Wyss as a top-performing law firm ranked

UBS Switzerland AG issuance of EUR 1.75 billion Covered Bonds

UBS Switzerland AG issuance of EUR 1 billion Covered Bonds

UBS Switzerland AG issuance of CHF 450 million Covered Bonds

UBS Switzerland AG Swiss Covered Bond Program

IFLR 1000 Rankings - Walder Wyss as a top-performing law firm ranked

Cembra Money Bank – CHF 275 million auto lease securitization

Cornèr Banca SA issues Senior Unsecured Bonds with a volume of CHF 150 m

Walder Wyss advised AMAG Leasing AG on its issuance of CHF 170m Green Bonds

Cornèr Banca SA Covered Bond Programme

IPI Partners to Acquire Swiss Data Center Leader Safe Host

AMAG Leasing: Swiss Car ABS 2021-1 AG

Ford Credit émet un emprunt de 230 millions.

AMAG Leasing: Swiss Car ABS 2020-1 AG

Walder Wyss assisted Goldman Sachs International Bank, London, on the establishment of a new Swiss residential mortgage business platform established by ELAN Suisse Hypotheken AG

Nyrstar a annoncé avoir achevé sa restructuration financière avec succès

Swisscard: les émetteurs de cartes de crédit ABS soumis au programme ABS de Swisscard ont tenu leurs assemblées des détenteurs de titres

Swisscard AECS GmbH: Transaction sur cartes de crédit ABS 2019-1

Cembra Money Bank AG a réalisé une autre opération de titrisation pour le leasing automobile en Suisse.

AMAG Leasing: Swiss Car ABS 2018-2

Valiant Bank AG placed second tranche of covered bonds

AMAG Leasing: Swiss Car ABS 2018-1

Multilease: Swiss Auto Lease ABS 2017-2

Banque Valiant SA place pour la première fois une obligation sécurisée de droit suisse

Multilease: Premier leasing automobile suisse ABS 2017-1

Intershop achète le World Trade Center Lausanne

Titrisation de créances d'une entreprise de leasing automobile par Cembra (2016-1), d'un montant de 200 millions de CHF, à la SIX Swiss Exchange

Swisscard AECS GmbH

AMAG Leasing: deuxième émission de titres pour la transaction Auto Leasing CHF 515m ABS (dual tranche 2016-1/2016-2)

AMAG Leasing: première opération de titrisation

Berghoff: transfert de patrimoine transfrontalier

Blackstone va acquérir des actifs immobiliers de GE Capital

Cotation à la SIX Swiss Exchange des titrisations de cartes de crédit suisses 2015-1 et 2015-2

Cembra: opération de titrisation de leasing automobile pour CHF 200'000'000, cotée à la SIX Swiss Exchange

Walder Wyss conseille HSH Nordbank AG pour une opération de titrisation de créances commerciales provenant d’Allemagne, de Suède et de Suisse

Refinancing of Constellium group

Financing of acquisition of Vat Holding AG

Volvo Auto Bank Deutschland transfers Swiss Leasing and Dealer Wholesale Business to FCE Bank

GE’s Second Swiss Auto Lease Securitisation Transaction Listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange

Acquisition of the Uetlihof Office Complex from Credit Suisse AG for CHF 1 billion

Swiss Life AG issued a CHF 300 million hybrid bond

Swiss Credit Card Securitisation Listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange

GE’s Swiss Auto Lease Securitisation Transaction Listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange

First Swiss Auto Lease Securitisation Transaction

Chambers Acquisition Finance 2024 Global Practice Guide - Trends and Developments

Real Estate 2024 - Chapter Switzerland

Real Estate 2023: Chapter Switzerland

Acquisition Finance 2023: Switzerland - Trends and Developments

Structured Finance & Securitisation - Chapter Switzerland

Securitisation 2023 - Chapter Switzerland: Trends & Developments

Real Estate 2022 - Chapter Switzerland

The Securitisation Law Review - Chapter 10 Switzerland

The Securitisation Law Review - Chapter 10 Switzerland

Facets of assignment law - Overview over selected legal aspects of the assignment with a particular focus on financing transactions

Financement structuré et titrisations 2021 – Chapitre Suisse

Trends and Developments in the Swiss Securitisation Market

Aspetti legali dei crediti rappresentati da effetti cambiari

Considerazioni giuridiche sulla cessione di crediti secondo il diritto privato internazionale svizzero

Considerazioni salienti concernenti le classi di attività e la cedibilità dei crediti

Operazioni di cartolarizzazione: azione revocatoria ai sensi della LEF

Switzerland: Law and Practice

Structured Finance & Securisation - Chapter Switzerland

Legal considerations regarding SPVs

Regulatory aspects of securitisation in Switzerland

Securitisation in Switzerland – an overview

The Securitisation & Structured Finance Handbook 2018

Structured Finance & Securitisation

Recent developments in the Swiss ABS market 2015/16

Practical Law: Structured finance and securitisation in Switzerland: overview

Finance structurée & titrisation 2016

Recent developments in the Swiss ABS market – 2015

Der schweizerische Anleihensmarkt: regulatorische Übersicht

Asset-Backed Securitisation in Switzerland

Verbriefungen in der Schweiz – ein Wachstumsmarkt

Constant growth of Swiss securitisation

Debt capital markets in Switzerland: regulatory overview

Positive Auswirkungen von neuen steuerrechtlichen Bestimmungen auf den schweizerischen Bondmarkt

Swiss securitisation is picking up speed

New tax regulation to stimulate the Swiss bond market

Capital Markets: Q&A Switzerland

Banking rehabilitation and insolvency reform in Switzerland

Securitisation transactions in Switzerland are making a comeback

The launch of the first covered bond programme in Switzerland set up outside the framework of the Swiss statutory covered bond system

Corporate Real Estate in der Schweiz: Fragen und Antworten

Developments in Swiss Banking Regulation

Covered bond related financing transactions

Das Schweizer Pfandbriefsystem: eine alternative Finanzierungsmöglichkeit

Das Schweizer Pfandbriefsystem: eine alternative Finanzierungsmöglichkeit

Commentary to Art. 425–438, 827 of the Swiss Code of Obligations

Commentary to Art. 58–60, 62–66 of the Swiss Collective Investment Schemes Act

Alternative Financing Sources in Switzerland

An overview of securitisation in Switzerland

Opco/Propco Strukturen unter Schweizer Recht

Die Übertragung von Verträgen unter den Bestimmungen über die Vermögensübertragung

Die CMBS Welle hat auch die Schweiz erreicht

Liberalisation of the Federal Law Concerning the Acquisition of Residential Real Estate by Foreigners («Lex Koller»)

Verbriefung in der Schweiz: ein sich stetig entwickelnder Markt

Die CMBS Welle hat auch die Schweiz erreicht

Verbriefung in der Schweiz: ein sich stetig entwickelnder Markt

Allocation Directives for Equity-Related Securities to be Publicly Offered in Switzerland

Zuteilung von Wertpapieren bei öffentlichen Emissionen

Swiss Securitisation in 2003

Auswirkungen der Kartellgesetzrevision auf Verträge

Legal Risk unter Basel II

Credit Derivatives – New Regulatory Framework in Switzerland

Securitisierung in der Schweiz

Commentary to Art. 425–439, 824–827 of the Swiss Code of Obligations

Securitisation in der Schweiz

Nullity as a Consequence of Swiss and EC Competition Law Infringements

Joint Ventures ohne Meldepflicht – Mit Teilfunktionen vermeidet man die Fusionskontrolle

Swiss Patent Law and Parallel Imports

Medienberichterstattung und UWG – Erforderliche Korrekturen nach dem «Mikrowellenherd» – Entscheid aus Strassburg?

Parallelimporte à la carte? – Ein Diskussionsbeitrag zur Situation im Arzneimittelbereich

Rechtskraftwirkung einer zurückgezogenen patentrechtlichen Nichtigkeitsklage

Abrakadabra! – Wie die GmbH zur AG wird...

Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (SZW)

Rechtsformwechselnde Umwandlung einer GmbH in eine AG de lege lata: Das klärende Wort aus Lausanne

Rettungsanker Patentrecht zum Schutz selektiver Vertriebssysteme in der Schweiz?

Momentaufnahme des Lauterkeitsrechts – Kurzdarstellung des BG gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb unter Einbezug von aktuellen Streitfragen und Abgrenzungsproblemen
