Hans Rudolf Trüeb

Hans Rudolf Trüeb

Prof. Dr. iur., LL.M., Attorney at Law




Direct phone: +41 58 658 55 88

Curriculum Vitae

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Hans Rudolf Trüeb is a partner of Walder Wyss. He advises Swiss and international clients as well as public entities in corporate and technology-related transactions and with regard to compliance and governance issues. Inter alia, he handles technology transfer, licensing, distribution, joint venture and outsourcing projects as well as corporate transactions. He is often retained as expert and represents clients in court or before arbitral tribunals. He is Co-Chair of the Zurich Bar's Technology and Telecom Law Practice Group and frequently publishes in this field. Hans Rudolf Trüeb is adjunct professor at Zurich University Law School for Swiss and international economic law as well as administrative law. Hans Rudolf Trüeb is ranked in Who’s Who legal, Chambers and other institutions. Chambers describes him as being «active and extremely intelligent, with a great reputation», while Legal 500 mentions him as «one of the best in his field».

Born in 1961, Hans Rudolf Trüeb was educated at the Universities of Zurich (lic. iur. 1987; Dr. iur. 1989) and Berkeley, California (USA) (LL.M. 1991). He further stayed as visiting scholar at UC Berkeley to write a treatise on international trade law. He previously worked as associate and partner in a mid-sized Zurich law firm.

Hans Rudolf Trüeb speaks German, English, French and Italian. He is registered with the Zurich Bar Registry.

Handkommentar zum Schweizerischen Beschaffungsrecht: Kommentierung von Art. 52 bis 54

| by Hans Rudolf Trüeb, Micha Bühler, Nathalie Clausen, Regula Fellner, Pandora Kunz-Notter, Thomas P. Müller, Mirjam Olah, Sophie Regenfuss, Florian Roth, Felix Tuchschmid, Ramona Wyss, Daniel Zimmerli, Martin Zobl, Letizia Schlegel and weiteren externen Autoren | Schulthess Verlag | Editor[s]: Hans Rudolf Trüeb

Chambers Global Practice Guides

| by Hans Rudolf Trüeb and Hugh Reeves | in: Chambers and Partners (Editor[s]) | "Chambers Global Practice Guides" | London | pp. 209 - 219

Smart Contracts

| by Hans Rudolf Trüeb | in: Pascal Grolimund Alfred Koller Leander D. Loacker Wolfgang Portmann (Editor[s]) | "Festschrift für Anton K. Schnyder" | pp. 723-734

Rahmenverträge, Gesetzliche Ordnung und Praxis

| Speakers Ramona Wyss and Hans Rudolf Trüeb | Roundtable Vergaberecht | Zürich

Commentary on certain provisions of Swiss corporate law

| by Hans Rudolf Trüeb | Zurich

Subordinate Commercial Legislation: Consumer Credit Act (KKG), Mergers Act (FusG), Unfair Competition Act (UWG) and Package Travel Act (PauRG)

| by Hans Rudolf Trüeb [co-author] | in: Amstutz/Breitschmid/Furrer/Girsberger (Editor[s]) | "Handkommentar zum Schweizer Privatrecht" | 3. Auflage | Zurich

LLC (GmbH), Association, Commercial Registry and Securities (Art. 772–1186 OR) / Intermediated Securities Act

| by Hans Rudolf Trüeb [co-author] | in: Amstutz/Breitschmid/Furrer/Girsberger (Editor[s]) | "Handkommentar zum Schweizer Privatrecht" | 3. Auflage | Zurich

Partnerships and Stock Companies (Article 530–771 OR.) incl. the Ordinance against Excessive Remuneration (VegüV)

| by Hans Rudolf Trüeb [co-author] | in: Amstutz/Breitschmid/Furrer/ Girsberger/Huguenin/Jungo/ Müller-Chen/Roberto/Schnyder / Trüeb (Editor[s]) | "Handkommentar zum Schweizer Privatrecht" | 3. Auflage | Zurich

Commentary on certain provisions of Swiss corporate law

| by Hans Rudolf Trüeb, Hans Rudolf Trüeb [co-author] and Julia Bhend [co-author] | Zurich

Tax Data in the Cloud? Data Protection Requirements for Government Outsourcing

| by Hans Rudolf Trüeb and Martin Zobl | in: digma, Zeitschrift für Datenrecht und Informationssicherheit 3/2016 | pp. 102–107

Carte blanche – Versteckte Laufzeitbeschränkung

| by Hans Rudolf Trüeb | in: Energiedialog | pp. 7

Regulierung und Marktzutritt dritter Zahlungsdienstleister

| by Hans Rudolf Trüeb [co-author] and Barbara A. Keiser [co-author] | in: "Rechtliche Herausforderungen durch webbasierte und mobile Zahlungssysteme/Publikationen aus dem Zentrum für Informations- und Kommunikationsrecht der Universität Zürich" | 1. Auflage | Zurich | pp. 161-180


| by Hans Rudolf Trüeb | in: Biaggini/Häner/Saxer/Schott (Editor[s]) | "Fachhandbuch Verwaltungsrecht" | Zurich/Basel/Geneva | pp. S. 1019–1063

Chapter on Telecommunication Law in Europe

| by Hans Rudolf Trüeb | in: Kronke/Melis/Schnyder (Editor[s]) | "Handbuch Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht" | Cologne

Revision des Beschaffungsrechts bringt Rechtssicherheit und mehr Wettbewerb

| by Hans Rudolf Trüeb | in: Die Volkswirtschaft 7/2015 | pp. S. 9–11

Liability for induced seismicity

| by Hans Rudolf Trüeb and Ramona Wyss | in: Schweizerisches Zentralblatt für Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht (ZBl) 115/2014 | pp. 3–30
